beer + boredom + no lights in the shop =


Coast to Coast
been working on logos for a couple people lately and tonight I started thinking of graphics for the reincarnation of no.7... A few beers and a few google searchs in, this is where I'm at so far, feel free to lend thoughts

Orignal ducati ----------/--------- my bastardization

not sold on it quite yet but definately liking it so far

that one extra lone feather sticking out on top bugs me for some reason... also, it might be interesting to take the intricate pattern on the left and possibly make it honda related... i really don't have any ideas on how to do that, just thought it might be interesting... but anyway, great idea, looks good.
While the artwork is great, it's like it's trying to be something that it's not. Like a Yamaha/Honda in Norton colours and decal design :)
lassenc said:
While the artwork is great, it's like it's trying to be something that it's not. Like a Yamaha/Honda in Norton colours and decal design :)

I have to agree. Very nice work though.
Thanks for the input guys, and don't worry, this is not meant to be taken seriously at all. It pretty much boils down to me being a honda nut and Ducati having a long history of superior graphic design. Its all just for fun and I have access to a vinyl cutter so it'll probably end up somewhere around the shop and on my tool chest. Maybe it will evolve into something completely original, who knows.

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