Big color diagram - best ten bucks I ever spent


Been Around the Block
I've been poring over the crappy b&w wiring diagram included in the Haynes manual for my Suzuki GS 850 for a while, and gotten little more than a migraine for my troubles. Eventually I entered the bike model and the words "color wiring diagram" into Google Images. Lots of results - much better, but still required a lot of squinting. Finally, I put that file on a flash drive and headed down to Staples. They printed a 12" x 18" full-color diagram, and for a couple more bucks they laminated it. Now it can live in the garage, impervious to my filthy fingers, and I can make notes on it in wet-erase marker.
Suddenly, rewiring this machine got a whole lot easier. Well worth the investment.
Someone where I work may, or may not, have used the large-format color printer and lamination machine to do the same thing for my wiring diagram.
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