"Cafe Racer" such a loose term! Craigslist "Gem" of the week!

The only thing worth saving from the scrap heap on that SR is the motor. I'm all for doing what makes ya happy and saying "piss off" to convention, but that's a death trap.
kieferocks said:
I'm ashamed to live in the same province as this builder (and I use the term "builder" very lightly)

Don't feel too bad, man, I live in the neighbouring city
jrswanson1 said:
Is it just me or does that faring look too big for this bike? http://washingtondc.craigslist.org/doc/mcy/4029210606.html And are these really worth $12K?

It all appears to be Dunstall, but I agree the commando looked much better in the earlier style fairing. That top half looks great on a Dunstall CB750 though.
Lovely little bike.......
"Lovely little bike.......

They are great -- I've got one. But mine was $100. Not as clean as this, but still: $3500?
This scoot is actually pretty close to me....

I think by "Cafe" he means "it doesn't actually run."

I think part of the issue is that people think, "If it isn't a cruiser, a crotch rocket, or a regular old dirt bike, it must be a 'cafe' because I heard the term on TV once and I don't know of any other kind of bikes."
buckeyebike said:
I wish I knew more about the Square 4:


Interesting bikes, don't know a lot about them, but the vertical cylinders fired one at a time, all the way around the four. Earlier bikes had two exhaust instead of fours -- 2 cylinders shared the same pipe as it came out of the engine. They are cool, and rare. The guys at the salvage yard in Phoenix had one in front that run, but was made into a chopper in the late 1960s.
carnivorous chicken said:
Interesting bikes, don't know a lot about them, but the vertical cylinders fired one at a time, all the way around the four. Earlier bikes had two exhaust instead of fours -- 2 cylinders shared the same pipe as it came out of the engine. They are cool, and rare. The guys at the salvage yard in Phoenix had one in front that run, but was made into a chopper in the late 1960s.

One of my favorite bikes. Haven't owned one yet, but did ride one and it was cool. The guys who know them say they really weren't that good stock, but if taken apart a put together with decent bearings and such, they become quite a refined bike. More of a gentleman's bike being they don't have a lot of clearance and the geometry lends itself to more of cruising and not balls to the wall, and I've heard the brakes weren't very strong, even for the day, but DAMN they are sexy bikes. The four exhaust works better than the two into two, for reasons that were explained to me, but was over my head being the firing order. Definitely one of my bucket list bikes. http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-f3GfRpKF_G8/UDcz9Y2u4aI/AAAAAAAAEbs/Z8VC0QqoHoM/s1600/ariel-square-four-mark-ii-04.jpg
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