Cafe seat made from old helmet?


"proffessor of old school"
I saw a guy at the shop today on a ratty old triumph,that had a cafe seat made out of a plywood base and the back half of an old fiberglass helmet, this may not be new to anyone here,but its the first i had seen in 35 years of riding!.
It actually didnt look half bad. it sure was cheap! i coudnt get a picture (i dont do cell phones).so i couldnt pass it along. it even had an aluminum trim all around the base holding the vinyl. looked like the stuff you get at lowes to trim a counter top!
Ya do what ya gotta do i guess???????
I saw an old helmet used for a bumstop years ago. Looked pretty good. I made a seat from the white styrofoam sheets used for packing. I glued(silicone gasket maker) two 1" sheets for the base and 5 or 6 smaller 1" pieces for the bump. I used 60 grit sandpaper to rough shape it. Covered in a thin coat of Bondo and sanded it smooth. I sealed it and made a female mould from that. Gel coat, resin and matt and I had a seat that looked like it came from a shop. I had it upholstered as I haven't a clue how to do that part. The point being that with a little effort you can do it right. Instead of fartin' around trying to find something that "will do". Try the styrofoam. You'll be surprised how easy it is.
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