can you eliminate battery on 78cb750k

david bluetile

New Member
so ive been missing in action for a while. i have been working on a couple cb750s but i just took about a 4 month break due to the unplanned move of my skateshop. so instead of building bikes ive been building walls, shelves, staining floors etc etc... all of which i had no idea how to do until i started.
ill go ahead and say again that im new as hell to all of this motorcycle stuff.
ive read a bit about battery eliminators on this forum but not really found the answers im looking for. i would like to eliminate the battery on my k series and make it kick only. is this even possible? what are your thoughts on making that modification.
as for why i would like to do it... just to do it. for fun? i have two 750s so i thought it would be cool to make one kick only and free up the battery space. i like the way it looks.
Use a 12V capacitor rated to at least 15,000 uF and you should be good to go. Wire it directly into the spot where your battery used to sit. If possible, rig all your lights to a switch so they don't come on along with the ignition.

Still count on a few kicks to get it to fire up though. You need to build up a bit of a charge in the cap before your coils will have enough juice to fire the plugs.
Cycle X had a kit on their website to replace the (failure prone and difficult to find) original charging system completely. This actually REQUIRES going kick only with no battery.
i plan to go kick only. i really dont want a bike that is a pain in the ass to start either. just trying to see if it will work. ive looked at that stuff on cycle x and i even emailed them to ask a bit about it and got no reply. i dont mind kicking a couple times but i dont want to break my leg trying to get the thing to turn over either.
ive heard of people doing this but its always on smaller bikes. how reliable is it?
and oh yeah. i own a skate shop. bluetile in south carolina. ive taken a 4 month break from working on my bikes because there was water pushing up through cracks in the floor. landlord could not figure out what it was so i had to move during christmas. which was terrible. still working on some things but i love the new space and the fact that myself and some friends built it the way i wanted it. its the first time ive had a store and its the way i want it to be. stoked.
ive been skating for 26 years. working on bikes for about 6 months. gotta do something now that my knees can barely carry me! still trying to skate though.
That's what's up man. I live in the GA but I'm in South Carolina every now and then. I will definitely stop by if I'm around!
I hear nothing but good things about Cycle X. I've never had a chance to use their stuff ( I never bought a Honda 750) but I did work with Ken for a bit at Cycle Empire, and I know he does good work. If you have trouble getting a reply through e-mail, try giving him a call.
oh really? ive also been considering the cycle x dual carb system for my 750. what have you heard from them thats bad? another buddy of mine loves them but i dont think he has ever really had any experience with them. he just likes that they seem to be doing some different things.
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