carb cleaning


ok .so if you have riddin behind me u know i need a good cleanin.
i dont have the tools to do it properly.
anyone here that can clean my carbs and reistall it?
rather pay someone here to do it than take it in and pay a mechanic.
The only tools I've ever needed to clean and rebuild carbs are:
1. A really nice set of screwdrivers (cheap ones can strips the brass jets and screws)
2. A cheapo set of calipers (to adjust the float bowl height)
3. A steel wire brush (take out one of the pieces of wire to unplug/clean jets)
4. A bottle of Liquid Wrench
5. A snot-load of carb cleaner
6. Brillo pads and rags
7. A nice workspace and decent bottle of suds to drink when complete

Buying all this stuff would probally be cheaper than sending your carbs to get cleaned by someone, if you were local, I would do if for the price of lunch. :D

Shwebel sp?? is right on. Few tools required. Just add a little patience and if it's your fiirst time I recommend digital pics as you go.

I like to add dollar store bamboo skewers, and an old guitar "E" string to the list. The skewers can quickly be whittled to just a thin hair but are still stiff enough for cleaning out holes - same with guitar string.
I've used carb cleaner and compressed air as well. I stayed away from the fine wires cause I didn't trust myself to have a delicate touch for cleaning the passages.

One safety note about compressed air and liquid cleaner, wear goggles cause you never know what hole that corrosive fluid is going to spray out of.

A little tip from Mr. First Hand Experience.

hand them over here i'll clean them joe
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