CB360 Fork Seals


Active Member
Picked up some EZ install fork seals for my CB360 but they seem a little too easy to install and pop out, considering the trouble I had getting the originals out. Anyone have an opinion on these (see video post)


I've always had to drive seals in with considerable force, using the other seal. That looks way too sloppy, however, I'm not a cb360 expert.
I used them on my forks. I've only ridden about 50 miles since, but they've been fine so far.
How did it work out? How do they perform? About to buy me some of this. Starting to question them after watching the video though. The circ clip is supposed to press on the metal washer right? keeping the seal in place.

I just ordered these as well. They come with both a metal washer and rubber seal. Do you happen to know the orientation of the two? I assume rubber seal, then washer then the snap ring on top? Also, this is my first shock rebuild. Do you simply just add the recommended amount of oil before the seal is added, or is there another method?
Black_Z28 said:
I just ordered these as well. They come with both a metal washer and rubber seal. Do you happen to know the orientation of the two? I assume rubber seal, then washer then the snap ring on top? Also, this is my first shock rebuild. Do you simply just add the recommended amount of oil before the seal is added, or is there another method?

I havent installed mine either but, rubber the washer, then circ clip then for boot. Also you assemble it together first then will the oil through the top.

here is a video of a cb550 but its very similar.

Thanks for the video, it's very helpful! ... I just followed your instructions and got one fork dismantled ... however, the 6mm allen head bolt at the bottom of the other fork lower, just spins and doesn't release the inner parts ... have you experienced this and if so, how do you correct it? Thanks Bill
Hi Bill, I had the same issue, I used the broom handle trick, check out this post http://www.dotheton.com/forum/index.php?topic=66199.0

Hope it helps.
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