Chance to pick up a cb400f


Reminds me No, I'm sure of it. I hate him
I really value you guys advice so it's yet another whatcha think thread

I've got a chance to pick up an unfinished cb400f project, it's a good deal and I LOVE the 400f styling.

My only concern is I just sold my cb350t because it wasn't bearable to cruise on.
So am I shooting myself in the foot with a 400f?

Will I be able to cruise at 65 mph for an extended period of time or am I just going to be wringing it out to cruise at 65?
What about a 466 big bore kit? Worth it? Will it fix these problems (if they are an issue)

Any of you guys that have one would be really helpful.
Jussy Rode his 400f from PA to MO at 80-85 mph about 4 hours NP. It will do 65 for a joke comefortably and I myself want to find a cheapo 400f to fix up.


I'll second Maritime.

I did a ton on a 400F. Stock ones (no need to bore if not needed!) will hold 65 easily, or even 75-80. They've got a 6th gear that helps, and if you want to do more freeway driving you can always change out a sprocket.
If you have a chance to pick up a 400F cheap, do it! Seriously man. One of the best motorcycles of the era. It will handle highway speeds with absolutely no problem (unless you have a nylon sprocket, ha).

Make it happen, man!

My CB400F takes both "boardwalk and quagmire with aplomb. Those who disagree... suck cock by choice." Ha!
^ What Justin said!
One of the coolest bikes around, of that era or any other. While not Liter-bike fast, it'll do way more than you'll expect. Just the shape of the exhaust headers is worth the price of admission!
Well it's not "cheap" per se.
A grand, but that's with a title, all of the dirty work finished,frame powdered, exhaust coated, etc. basically it's a puzzle waiting to be put together.
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