Chrome on the Canal in Campbellford ON this Sat July 05


Coast to Coast
Hi all,
Already posted this on the VRRA site, but, for some of you...
Maybe a little bit different destination than you're used to, but you might want to check out "Chrome on the Canal" in Campbellford ON this Saturday if you're looking for a nice street ride through eastern ON.
This is the carry on from the "Charlie's Indian Days" event which stopped about 10 years ago when Charlie got too ill to keep organizing the event and a bunch of friends stepped up to keep the event going (Charlie died awhile back, unfortunately).
Was talking with one of the organizers this week, explained that Pacomotorstuff / Vintage Motorcycle Fiberglass does almost nothing "HD" related, but just really dig vintage bikes and she said, c'mon up, set up a booth and see what happens.
If nothing else, the weather is supposed to be great and the food vendors should be optimum.
Come and get sunburned with me LOL.
Hope to see you there.
Pat Cowan,
PS for more info, google Chrome on the Canal
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