Cincinnati CB500t build


New Member
First, a little back story, because, why not?

I've been riding friends bikes on and off for years, and I've always wanted one of my own, and I've spent hours upon hours sleuthing through the internet looking for one I could afford.
Since I started searching I noticed a common theme in the bikes I liked: they were custom built, and most of them were cafe racers.

Then I saw a short film about a Lossa engineering bike entitled 'Solus':
<iframe src=";byline=0&amp;portrait=0" width="400" height="225" frameborder="0" webkitAllowFullScreen allowFullScreen></iframe><p><a href="">Lossa Engineering's short film "Solus"</a> from <a href="">Jay Lossa</a> on <a href="">Vimeo</a>.</p>

That's it. I have to have one.
I'm not really all that mechanically inclined, and I don't know how to weld. I figured I could learn as I go ;D
Shortly after this was sitting in my garage:

It ran fairly well, other than a slipping clutch. No smoke (blue or otherwise) and I got it for a seemingly decent price.

Picked up a manual and started digging in,

::) Narrowly avoided being swarmed.

And this is how she sits currently:

The right crank case is STUCK on there... the screws are stripped and liquid wrench is doing me no good ???
I guess I'll just keep at it, trying to avoid drilling it out.

The goal is to have it done before spring, and not to spend a fortune on it.

Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated, I'll keep this updated as frequently as I can.

Sweet! I also built a cb500t, looking forward to seeing your creation!! Anything you need just let me know. Feel free to pm me if needed.
An impact driver will remove the case screws then tap around the edges to brake it free. Good luck.
I'm actually in Northern Kentucky, But I'm in Clifton a fair bit.(Going back to school at UC soon, and I have family over there)
Looks like you got a really good bike to start out with, maybe we'll cross paths tearing up the mean streets of northern kentucky sometime ha.
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