cutting fork tubes?


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is it possible to cut down the set of 6" over fork tubes on my cb500? heard it is but cant figureout or find anyone who knows how.....
VonYinzer said:
is it possible to cut down the set of 6" over fork tubes on my cb500? heard it is but cant figureout or find anyone who knows how.....

Dude! call forks by frank I just got my fork tubes cut 2" off for 40 bucks!!!!!!! :eek:

I also live right by the place, so you will have to pay shipping. I will find the link in a minute for you.


They only do c.o.d. though, so make sure you have cash. They are located in chicagoland, and are wonderful people to deal with. You will probably speak with Mary when you call.
JRK5892 said:
hell ya man! i tihnk i may have to work my way over there as well!

Maybe we can work something out between the rotors and the fork tubes man, let me know. I live 10 minutes from Evanston (where franks shop is) so maybe when we do the rotors I can take the tubes over for you.
ya i am just not sure what bike i want to cut down, i can not cut down my TX cause i like the stance and it has a 19 front wheel... my honda will be way to low if i do that... same with my harley.... just good to know. I am going to try and get into the shop to run the mill this weekend. soon as i hear from my buddy i hollar at you...
question bouncer, when you have your rotor drilled to i need to be running ceramic pads? how much is it per rotor?
no there is no reason you would have to... ceramic pads just put off less dust and create less heat... I am going to drill his rotors out at the shop... as far as costs... whatever bits cost
JRK5892 said:
... I am going to drill his rotors out at the shop... as far as costs... whatever bits cost

About those bits, I went to depot a while a go to grab the bits, and was dubfounded at the number of brands. What brand do you think I should get for the rotors?
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