Cycle salvage yards?...WNY?


New Member
just putting some feelers out there to see if anyone knows about a salvage yard for old bikes in western ny? I grew up going to one in WNY but it was closed down a few years back.

Just some needs for myself and some friends of mine.
distance really isnt a issue, a buddy of mine is going to be looking for one in the near future. He really wants CB750 sohc, which ive been trying to help him find one for a good price.

If anyone know where a good spot to find one itll really help us out? he wants it for a cafe build and as far as condition goes as long as the motor isnt locked up doesnt have to run, we plan on tearing down completely to rebuild.

thanks to all for the help!
Suggestion. Call around and see you has the government, state or county contract(s) for towing vehicles. They impound motorcycles too, and many times aren't claimed. Cheap way to get a decent bike.

Check into the local automotive salvage yards. I found two within 15 miles of me that don't advertise bikes, but had several to chose from.

Good luck
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