DCC universal Automobile switch and wiring help


Active Member
Currently im doing the wiring for a 1985 honda vt500c that im bobbing. i found that switch on dcc and really liked it so i grabbed my wiring diagram and started to see how i could wire this sucker up to my bike. i noticed some things that i didn't quite understand on the diagram from what i understood i thought the key switch itself had only 3 poles one for ACC, one for Batt, one for Ignition. on my diagram i have connections for (P) which im guessing is the equivalent of the ACC pole, IG which is ignition Bat which is ignition, but i have a connection for Fan, TL2, TL1. what are these 3 extras for? and on the kill/starter switch i have connections for IG, ST, but 3 others for HL BAT 2 and BAT 3. If anyone has installed this switch any help is appreciated, or if anyone can tell me what those extra wires on my ignition switches are for is helpful too.
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