Design submissions wanted - The official DO THE TON 'I dumped my bike' sticker


Staff member
In honor of those who have taken the inevitable plunge to the concrete from their bikes, I'm thinking a commemorative DO THE TON sticker would be a nice token from the board.

So, I'm looking for any design suggestions for the sticker, incorporating the DTT logo. A catchy name for the badge of honor would be welcomed as well.

I'm thinking stickers, as I can have these made up and provide them to those of you who have dropped their bikes as a freebie from the board. For patches, we'd be into a bit more pricey product.

Anyhow - give it some thought. Maybe a simple little Ace of Spades design where you get one spade each time you dump. Those with the most spades and who are still with us win ;)
Great idea Tim, and very generous of the board. As much as I'd like to have a free sticker, this is one I hope I never see. I'm interested to see some of the designs for this one.
Tim said:
In honor of those who have taken the inevitable plunge to the concrete from their bikes, I'm thinking a commemorative DO THE TON sticker would be a nice token from the board.

So, I'm looking for any design suggestions for the sticker, incorporating the DTT logo. A catchy name for the badge of honor would be welcomed as well.

I'm thinking stickers, as I can have these made up and provide them to those of you who have dropped their bikes as a freebie from the board. For patches, we'd be into a bit more pricey product.

Anyhow - give it some thought. Maybe a simple little Ace of Spades design where you get one spade each time you dump. Those with the most spades and who are still with us win ;) Can you get it for past activities? Three spades is the start of a good hand.
sorry i dont have visuals. my idea is basically a skull and cross bones, but replace the skull with the Bandit helmet.
you could jus tmake this into a sticker.


it also serves as a reminder ;D
Tried the Ton

{Spade on it's side}

Hit the Road!"


Did The Tip

{Spade on it's side}

Cafe Racer

No graphics with me, but you get the idea... whatever the words I think a tipped over spade would be a great tounge in cheek salute!
I'm thinking of a picture of a steaming hot turd with the letters DUMB printed boldly above it.
Hoofhearted said:
I'm thinking of a picture of a steaming hot turd with the letters DUMB printed boldly above it.

Hoofhearteds idea is so good it makes me feel silly submitting mine:

Yep - that's the sort of idea! The font name is 'Brandish' for those of you with the tools to do the work.
Re: Design submissions wanted - The official DO THE TON 'I dumped my bike' stick

someone should clean it up in illustrator
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