Electronic ignition / points advice


Been Around the Block
1975 xs 650
I have a pamco - currently in a box on a shelf cause i'm a dumbass and cooked its coil again, thats two or about 140 bucks for those that are keeping count and I sure a hell am cause i can't justify another one right now - so i'm now running the factory points set, its all dialed in, times out on the marks and is starting up on the first kick every time hot or cold so i'm dialed in right on the money... What routine / preventative maintenance do I need to do to keep it this way?... i've always had electronic ignitions..

What are the benefits of an electronic ignition other than it being a set it and forget it type of deal?

And seeing as I am a twice proven dumbass is there any fail safes that I can put in place to prevent cooking my electronic ignition when I put it on my track bike, i've taken to tagging my plug wires when they're off but apparently my brain can short circuit and totally ignore that :mad:... any help or advice is appreciated, thanks gents..
electronic set up will give you a consistant spark at higher rpm's especially when your running a cdi.
keep checking your points as a scheduled maintenance for the bike.
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