Enhanced paint curing???


Coast to Coast
I painted a set of hubs and rims a couple days ago with DuPont Nason two stage. I know I won't be able to lace up the wheels for at least a couple of weeks, and was wondering if there would be any benefit to storing the parts up in a nice hot attic till then. Any thoughts from the paint experts?
Don't do that in your home, in a shop or outbuilding maybe but not in a lived-in area. The fumes may be very bad for people's health. If you have sun, just get them out in the sun during the day.
Keeping them close to space heater for a couple hours will help cake then over. What activator did you use and what were the environmental conditions you sprayed in? You shouldn't have to wait a couple of weeks, just a couple of days.
Base was mixed with reducer but no activator (shop where I bought the paint said it wasn't required) clear was mixed with the standard activator (don't remember the number). Sprayed outdoors at about 80 degrees. Instructions call for 30 min at 140 degrees or 4 hrs at 70 degrees for cure, just wondering if there would be any advantage to a little semi high temp, long term post cure.
No, you're good. Nason is really good single stage paint. I used it a lot on different industrial equipment at my first auto body job. I've painted brake presses, tractors, propane trucks, wheels, stock cars, and countless other stuff. Next day it was always good to be handled and assembled if needed.
I've hung pieces I've painted in my old truck sitting out in the sun.

It's like an oven in there anyways during the days when I'm not going to work.
Just be glad you used real 2 stage paint, you won't be able to strengthen the paint much by doing anything.
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