F%@#$! ARGGHHH! Update, Home from work.


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Just got a call from my neighbour, it's super windy here and my 450 just blew over in the driveway! Fuck! I have no budget for repairs so I hope there is nothing major broken. I didn;t ride it today because of major thunder storms in the area nd i don;t like picking my son up at daycare in that kind of weather on the bike. I need a damn garage. Only good thing about today is I went and mowed my bosses mothers lawn for her and she brought me a 24 of beer! So I can drown my sorrows tonight as I put my bike back together in the rain.


Rant over.
Re: F%@#$! ARGGHHH!

Damn dude, that sucks. Hopefully nothing major. Enjoy that beer. If I lived closer I would help you fix the bike and help you finish that 24 pack.
Re: F%@#$! ARGGHHH!

Thanks Justin, I'd share. I won't be getting much work done, I am just thinking I will be fixing a dented tank, broken bar end mirror, maybe levers? or blinkers? Crap. I have a few spare parts but it may be a few weeks before I could buy even cheap replacements.
Re: F%@#$! ARGGHHH!

Let me know what you need Mike. If I have it and its not in use, its yours for shipping.
Re: F%@#$! ARGGHHH!

that sucks!! was it on the center stand or the side stand? never really thought about mine blowing over but I keep it on the center at all times... good luck!
Re: F%@#$! ARGGHHH!

Thanks guys, I needed to vent, I hope nothing major is broke when I get home. It was on the center stand, but the bike is light and the wind is blowing just under huirricane strength in gusts. like 60-70 MPH gusts, I went out to get a sub and it nearling knocked me over at one point. I need to clean out the shed to park it in there at night. Fingers crossed it will be ridable. If not I will have to get the GL out right away for something to ride while I fix it.
Well, tank is ruined. dent, scratch, gas stains. So I will paint it again, this winter. one mirror miraculously just got a bit of the end scratched and just came loose and spun around. good bar ends. Fixed that easy. One rear signal came off, but other than the plastic chrome being scratched, it just came loose from the threaded rod, so JB weld and it is curing now to be re-tightened. So other than the ruined tank, It isn't so bad and i can ride it in a few hours if I needed too. The worst this is, there were no thunder storms yet, so I could have ridden to work and it wouldn't have fallen over there. Glad my neighbor came home at noon and found it and put it back up. Not sure how much gas left the tank but I had just filled it yesterday. I put her in the shed for the night so I won't worry about her going down in the win for the rest of the night.


On beer 3 and already feel better. Excuse to paint her a different color again!
ouch sorry to hear. I guess a request for pics might be a little harsh at the moment?
Here is the tank:


That hurts.

but this helps:


Blinker, just had to loosen the bolt and jb weld back together:


Hard to see the scratches but I will likely paint these out next winter now:

Rash on the mirror, don't mind the boxers:


This is her running the day before the tip over.

All in all I expected a lot worse so I got off easy. Falling over in a crushed stone driveway gave me nightmares for the 2 hours I had to wait to get home, but maybe the gravel prevented some breakage? Who knows. I am just glad I can ride her. And the beer is a gift for helping out the boss last night. Her mom passed away and they needed the lawn mowed at her house so I loaded up the mower and went over and did it. She was soo happy I got a 24, worth 45 bucks here so that was a bonus, I did it for nothing.
Ah, man, sorry to hear that. At least everything but the dinged tank is easily fixed...
hey that's not so bad. nothing you can't fix with new paint and a little bondo at least. I had my old bike tip and it jarred the electric start wire loose. man that was a bitch to figure out haha. gravel <i>is</i> softer than cement/asphalt, so that could have helped.
Yep, and the ding can stay for the season. I will pull the tank in fall and fix it over the winter. However, the bike needs a wash. I ride it in all weather conditions and us a nasty chain spray, "no Fling" that gets on everything. I need to switch to something else but I was covered in sticky grease after fixing the little bits that broke.
Call that a dent? I gave bigger dents AFTER I finish a tank........

Seriously though, that will be an easy fix or just ride it for now and fix it later. Glad to hear that teh damage was not too serious.
That sucks Maritime, but overall I think you came out pretty lucky, damage is not too bad, certainly could have been worse. At least you have some beers :)
Crap Mike, that sucks. Better the tank than the engine though I suppose......good to hear it's rideable.
That blows. Pun intended.

Sorry to hear, man, but I'm glad the damage wasn't worse.
Yep, me to guys, I was just a basket case waiting out the time at work. I couldn;t really chat with my neighbor to ask how bad cause I was with people at my desk and had to let him go. Rode ti to work today though. They are calling for thunderstorms again this afternoon, but if it happens I will ride home and put her in the shed and then take the truck tio get my little guy. All in all I got lucky and now have an excuse to pull her apart again this winter. Looks like I will need to do fork seals and some other stuff so I might just get to tke it up a notch. My wife has an interview for her dream job today, if she gets it we will be on the fast track out of barely paying the bills to having savings again. Fingers crossed she gets the job and I will then have some bike building funds again.
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