"Fast With a Past" Webcast Bike build show coming soon?!?!

Hey guys,

Can't let the cat out of the bag just yet, but stay tuned for good news! We have some traction with this thing!!
I actually stumbled across this same video by accident, though I believe I found it on Youtube, and it may not have had some of the slick graphics. I watched it, enjoyed it, and then at the end was like, "Hey, that's a DTT build!"

Excellent work. Can't wait to see more.
Now I'm just sad about the gaps between craigslist find and finished goods. I'm definitely looking forward to this good news, though.
Yeah, gaps. we had no budget to shoot that and had almost no footage of actual building. It does get the point across though.

What's happened is I pitched it to a guy I met at my bar who said he produced TV for cable. turns out his partner is the guy who created monster garage and a bunch of other big time cable shows. They love the idea and its being pitched around the networks. One in particular is very interested. Keep your fingers crossed.
No kidding! Congrats man, I really hope this goes places!
Kick........ASS..... Even without the shop you guys are doing just what my buddy and I are talking about and working towards! Good luch with the show!
Keep at it man. the thing for me has been learning to control the budget and be realistic with time. I brought a kid in this week to help me and was amazed at what got done in that time. well worth the money. I didn't think I could afford it but I can't afford to go without it. Its not that hard to find folks to help even when its a you can't pay til you get paid scenario. The show, if it happens, is just a right time right place thing.
really good stuff. don't know if you guys all know the brit car restoration show 'wheeler dealers' because i think it gets played on discovery channel in states. anyway, my brother clued me into it, and i've been downloading it recently. Was wondering why there was no motorbike equivalent. Fast with a Past would fill the gap perfectly. just add some quick explanations of what you're doing, ala 'wheeler dealers' hot tips on replacing steering racks, suspension, rusty floor panels etc, and i'd buy a dvd for sure.
Thats sort of the idea, American Pickers is big right now so they want the pick element to be a large part of it. I'm hoping for equal parts American Pickers, Chasing classic cars and production quality similar to American Chopper. The networks will have their way with it though.
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