"Fiber" washers for Petcock?


Coast to Coast
What type of washers do I look for that go around the petcock mounting screws to create a good seal? They are made of some material and made special for this application.

I believe you can get the red fiber washers at A good hardware store , auto parts stores often have assortment packs
Ace Hardware is the best place for stuff like that. I personally use Permatex #2 on the petcock threads and never have any issues with fuel leaking.
you can also use aluminum or copper washers in annealed state. good idea to coat screw threads (lightly) with hylomar or fuel proof non hardening sealant also.
I made one out of a anti-freeze jug. Drilled the center hole out, cut the outer diameter with scissors. Do not use any old oring. The gas made every oring i put in there swell up and block the petcock just enough to make me think I had a carb problem. Copper crush washer weren't soft enough to seal correctly either, well for me anyways.
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