Flame away! Convert chain to belt final drive?


killin brain cells daily
I know its not "traditional" but I love simple stuff, and hate grease everywhere...

Anyone know of a conversion kit to go from chain to belt drive?

<ducks and covers>

haha, we don't flame here dude

sounds neat, I'd check out harley aftermarket online stores, and you'll probably have to get in touch with a machinist to build some adapter hubs
I'd expect weight would be one advantage, although I think all race bikes run chains, so who knows.
Here are a few things to consider, coming from a fan of belt drives:

1. Less mess - that's a given
2. Lower maintenance - It's been my experience that the belt stretches a little when brand new but after one adjustment, you don't have to do it again.
3. Durabilty - no links, no kinks and it's durable...my turbo V-rod ran over 200 pases at the drag strip, 625 lb bike and 168 rwhp with no belt problems.

Good idea to check for conversion kits before you decide to fabricate. Also, weren't there several japanese sport bikes that used belts? Kawasaki?

yeah.. i'm going chain for now. but keeping eyes open for a conversion kit for it..

screw chain lube.
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