For those who want a big bike.

That is the most ridiculous thing I have seen in a while. The only redeming feature are the cylinders... the bottom end is a fugly lump of alloy... but those fins and push rod tubes are sweet.
OK... I didn't realise just how big they meant... that's either an LP model or that bike is just an exercise in 'what if' engineering.

So, what happens when things go awry? Hang on and be glad you wore clean underwear? A beast that big would be quite a handful.
Uh, yeah - it's freaking huge. Regardless of language, these are all big dimensions:

Maße und Gewichte:

Länge gesamt: 3450 mm
Radstand: 2410 mm
Höhe gesamt: 1480 mm
Sitzhöhe: 800 mm
Leergewicht: 650 kg

Oh, and it's a 410c.i. motor - yep - 410 cubic inch v-twin... Coffee can pistons.
Tim said:
Oh, and it's a 410c.i. motor - yep - 410 cubic inch v-twin... Coffee can pistons.

NJWanker said:
Seen them on Kneeslider . 410 cubic INCHES . Not cc's . I'm sure it handles well too....

But yeah, that's a freakin huge bike... Completely pointless but cool nonetheless.
how the fuck do you get the kickstand down without dumping it....speaking of that... could you imagine pulling this beast of a thing off your body when dumping it at a stoplight?!
brewtown16 said:
how the fuck do you get the kickstand down without dumping it....speaking of that... could you imagine pulling this beast of a thing off your body when dumping it at a stoplight?!

Dude, you'd look so kewl with the horse laying on your leg at a stoplight.
This has to be the funniest thread I've read here yet. "Just how exactly small <b>is</b> your dick"..... lmfao... if I had been drinking beer I'd be wiping it out of my nose.

I saw a similiar bike a few years ago. Cant recall exactly but I think someone had the idea of placing a viper engine on a bike frame. The front has two tires and it needed a whole parkinglot to turn around.

So by definition.... I'm 6'3" at 250 lbs and I'm riding a 450cc bike.....hmmm... I must be hung like a horse.... a very small horse, but a horse never the less.
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