Google Sketchup Tutorial - Making brake rotor patterns


New Member
Howdy all,

After reading a few threads on drilling one's own rotors and a lot of folks asking how it was done, I thought I'd put together a little video on how to draw the patterns. Let me know what you think.
Awesome! Thanks man for the tips. I just downloaded this the other day and need to sit down and use it. You're on the GS Owners forum also right? I'm on there as a new member and thought I recognized your name.
Yup. That's me! Glad you enjoyed the vid. Let me know if you need a hand, or if you just want me to do a quick sketch for you.

Awesome tutorial,

I like to think im pretty computer savy, but I cant for the life of me figure out how you got your view 2d grid like that. Mind breaking down the prereqs for us? Possibly save one off as a template?
2D grid? Not quite sure what you mean. There are a bunch of different views to choose from. I use Top view when sketching 2D and make sure "perspective" is set to parallel. Both of these are in the View menu. If you'd like, send me your dimensions and I can sketch something up.

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