GS450 Tank


Been Around the Block
I am loving the looks of this tank, just having a hard time finding one to try out. Currently I have been mocking up with an XS750 tank, but the GS tank has a more boxy look like I want. Anyone know where I could find one? There is one on ebay now, but it is fairly banged up and I am hoping for minimal dents so I can have a friend powdercoat it. Otherwise, does anyone know of another similar style tank that might work on an XS650 frame?


The GS450 tank isn't easy to find unfortunately. On a side note that's Hal Reid's XS650 in the bottom picture - even nicer in person!
Another nice looking boxy tank (and also hard to find unless you're Loco Leon) is the Honda CB750F tank. It would fit the 650 frame with minor work.
Quiet Tim! The CB750F tanks are already hard enough to find without you telling everyone about them. ;) I'm still waiting for a non-dented one that I can afford.
I saw the chromed one for sale, but it is a bit out of my price range  :(  I may end up sticking with the XS750 tank for now, but will continue searching.  Why is it that you can't find alloy tanks in the states?
hard to find?? WTF???.. those cb750f tanks and the gs450 tanks are everywhere!!.. dime a dozen..!!.. just like Alloy tanks!!.. What the hell is everyone talking about? ;D
here... the rarest of the rarest gs450 tanks....Its even chrome!!..
Flugtechnik said:
Quiet Tim! The CB750F tanks are already hard enough to find without you telling everyone about them. ;) I'm still waiting for a non-dented one that I can afford.

really??.. I just scored a flawless, dentless, rustless cb750f tank for Lilbeast today... 1 phone call!!..LOL.. $100.

dime a dozen I say... dime a dozen... ;D
Find me an un-dented gs450 tank that isn't chromed....for cheap....and I will be impressed. :) Or a nice alloy tank
MN_TX650 said:
Find me an un-dented gs450 tank that isn't chromed....for cheap....and I will be impressed. :) Or a nice alloy tank

go ask these boys:
Thanks for the link. I set up an account and am just waiting approval to post. Got a link for a decent alloy tank? ;D
If you are looking for a boxey tank, try a CX500 tank. they are not quite as boxey as the GS tanks, but i think they still look pretty slick.
It's too bad.... The 850 tanks are just like the 450 tanks, except friggin' HUGE. I still like sittin' behind 6 gallons of fuel tho'.

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