Hammer time! (tank knee dents)

Thanks guys. I started getting butterflies in my stomach when that flat black was laying down so smooth on the tank. It was this awesome felling of progress and a look into what one of the "final" pieces will look like. My knee pads came in as well and to my pure joy fit perfectly in the dents. Once the paint is cured, I'll glue them in and post a shot. BTW, what do you guys think I should use to glue the rubber pads in?
forcefanajd said:
you have to bake that tank if you want it to be resistant gas/oil......

Yeah, that's what I did to the motor parts. Gonna bake her up tonight. The wife is gonna love this one.

Wife: "you put a gas tank in the what!!!?"

Me: "honey don't worry. If there was any gas vapor left in the tank it would have to hit 750 degrees to ignite. I'm only cooking it to 450. Just relax. "
djelliott said:
Yeah, that's what I did to the motor parts. Gonna bake her up tonight. The wife is gonna love this one.

Wife: "you put a gas tank in the what!!!?"

Me: "honey don't worry. If there was any gas vapor left in the tank it would have to hit 750 degrees to ignite. I'm only cooking it to 450. Just relax. "

lol...umm, i would never cook parts with temp paint in an oven you use for cooking parts. when you cook them it releases vapors into the oven and it could potentially poison your food when you cook in it
forcefanajd said:
lol...umm, i would never cook parts with temp paint in an oven you use for cooking parts. when you cook them it releases vapors into the oven and it could potentially poison your food when you cook in it

I've been paranoid about that from the other parts. Guess I'll have to clean the oven really good. I don't think the wife will complain about that. I did flash dry each layer with a bunch of space heaters. i wonder if that would do it. It was over the course of about 2 hours.
i do powdercoating for a living, and can honestly tell you i wold NEVER EVER put any type of paint or powder in an oven that will have food in it... EVER... to many thing that "can" go wrong and i do not have any of them off hand. but some many horror storries and people telling me to never do it... so i never do it
Haha, I use a toaster oven at work to assemble prototype circuit boards (set at broil / 500F, gets hot enough to flow solder). One year at the office Christmas party it went missing. Turns out the caterer snagged it to warm up some spinach rolls. We all freaked out and made her throw them out. I'm not a big fan of Halides and crap, I like more traditional seasonings like cumin and paprika.
Tank looks great, like the flat black too. If I see more pics from ya then I guess you didn't get poisoned from the oven ;)
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