Hip, or Hipster...You Decide...


Science is true whether you believe in it or not.
<iframe src="//player.vimeo.com/video/59380598?title=0&amp;byline=0&amp;portrait=0" width="500" height="281" frameborder="0" webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen></iframe> <p><a href="http://vimeo.com/59380598">WAITING OUT WINTER</a> from <a href="http://vimeo.com/andrewdavidwatson">Andrew David Watson</a> on <a href="https://vimeo.com">Vimeo</a>.</p>
I dont see anything hipster about it. This is our reality here in the great white north. Kinda think the video is pretty awesome. Post more!
I'll admit I dont even know the difference between "hip" and "hipster", but I'm with BriMed1983...when you live in a northern climate, thats how you pass your time in the winter months. Working on and building shit, hanging out with friends in the shop...it gets you through till spring...otherwise you'll go crazy.
Well, I'd kill for the shop first of all :) Makes me want to put a woodstove in my garage, which perhaps I will if I can ever find room for one.

Let's not start a raging 'hipster' discussion, but I will admit to growing tired of the highly produced, short vignette videos that seem to be permeating our lives. Seriously - you have a nice little shop, the opportunity to work on your bikes etc. If you want to share that with the world, at least have it add some value - like show me how to fix something.

That was a commercial for their shop / website. Sadly 100x more t-shirts for sale on their site than anything else, which seems to be the formula. Rent a garage, wrench on a few bikes, shoot a video and sell t-shirts.
Tim said:
Well, I'd kill for the shop first of all :) Makes me want to put a woodstove in my garage, which perhaps I will if I can ever find room for one.

Let's not start a raging 'hipster' discussion, but I will admit to growing tired of the highly produced, short vignette videos that seem to be permeating our lives. Seriously - you have a nice little shop, the opportunity to work on your bikes etc. If you want to share that with the world, at least have it add some value - like show me how to fix something.

That was a commercial for their shop / website. Sadly 100x more t-shirts for sale on their site than anything else, which seems to be the formula. Rent a garage, wrench on a few bikes, shoot a video and sell t-shirts.

Everybody gets their piece of the pie. ;)
Tim said:
Rent a garage, wrench on a few bikes, shoot a video and sell t-shirts.

Seems to be their formula. This particular shop seems kinda hip until you really look at them. If you look at their Web site, shop looks awesome. Clever photo editing, good Web site design. Then, look at their shop on Google maps and look at street view.

The shop is maybe 400 sq ft, and in a pretty shitty neighborhood. Their work? Basically, they take cheap old bikes and slap on a set of clip ons and a cafe seat.
From looking at the site and everything it looks like they're having a blast doing this and I don't see why you would have a problem with the video. Probably just jealous :p
Yeah, I'm jealous that they have a friend who can shoot such an awesome video. Well composed, cleverly edited, hipster approved.
I want that shop, but its pretty hipster. The whole time i was waiting for a Samuel Adams beer ad to show up.
I can't think of any reason they would go out of their way to make the place look crummy. :)

Their website had a lot less swag for sale a year ago - since this video hit the viral circuit they've put a lot more stuff up, and who can blame em?

If making a living as a hipster means being entrepreneurial, count me in. I should note that Rust Revival rustrev.com) shirts make up a fair amount of my t-shirt drawer, and if the guy who makes them isn't a hipster, I'll eat the knife he wears in his boot.
AlphaDogChoppers said:
...hipster approved.

Ah, dammit, now I've outed myself. Though as a father of five who works in insurance underwriting and rides a Goldwing, I am so uncool that I can't even pretend the college chicks I ride by are looking at me. ::)
I went to their site. I could never stomach paying 30.00 for a tee-shirt. It makes me wonder how much they would gouge on parts.
Sadly, its because of the fucking hipsters i have to pay premium price for PBR. I started drinking it because i was broke and it got me drunk. Rather than it was the "hip, fashionable thing to do" Luckily, they don't know about Old German, yet.
It's a 400 square foot shop... They're probably buying parts at the same cost as snybody else and paying the rent with shirt sales
Andrew21502 said:
I went to their site. I could never stomach paying 30.00 for a tee-shirt. It makes me wonder how much they would gouge on parts.
Sadly, its because of the fucking hipsters i have to pay premium price for PBR. I started drinking it because i was broke and it got me drunk. Rather than it was the "hip, fashionable thing to do" Luckily, they don't know about Old German, yet.

Didn't you just buy a CB350, Brute?
They probably own the press to make them, which when you do the work yourself, All of it is profit. They are easily getting 100x the cost . I don't mind people making a living, we do live in America, but the idea of selling a 30.00 shirt seems outlandish.
Let me know where you can get shirts and ink for 30 cents and I'll get my screens back out
Premium prices for PBR? Pretty sure it's still $15 for 30 beers. Haha... Ya cheap bastard.

As far as the shop... All custom shops sell swag. Helps pay the bills. As long as the bikes they put out are quality and the service work is up to snuff, who cares? I am all for the distaste folks have towards people trying to just cash in on the thing we all have a passion for, but until someone gets off the high horse and actually goes down there and shoots the shit with these dudes... Nobody knows their intent.

Again, if they're just a bunch of dbags selling overpriced crap to morons until the next trend comes along than fuck 'em. Not that I have any plans to buy their stuff or enlist their help with my bikes, but they may just be as into this shit as me. Or as ADC or anyone else here.

Eh, they don't look "right" though. Must be assholes. ???
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