Hipsters... Meh...

hahaha, that was hilarious man, i cant belive someone would leave there house in most of those outfits.lol
Jesus, its worse than I thought! If you went out on the town dressed like that around here, chances are you'd have some trouble before the night was out.

On the April 13 one...that Youtube 'Bananaphone' video is actually pretty funny. Not sure why you'd try and emulate it though.

Cheers for sharing - boingk
Its great... In Pittsburgh there are areas that the hipsters hang and neighborhoods/bars that they know better than to hang in. Its funny to see them cross the street to avoid certain places. I really dont care what your into or what you look like, but damn. When you go out of your way to be an ass and get in peoples faces all the time, well... You made your bed, now get punched in the face in it.
living in brooklyn and having passed through williamsburg (the origin of hipsters, i swear)... ive seen it all..

i hate... hate... hate... hate them fuckers.
I think I have a new favorite website. I used to work in a cafe on queen street, right smack dab in the center of the Toronto hipster scene. I'm not sure how I tolerated it some times.

If you're really in a mood to start hating society all over again though. Check this out: http://www.peopleofwalmart.com/
I am so buying 2 cases of PBR this weekend.

EDIT: Just found out that PBR bought my 2 fav Texas beers -- Lone Star and Pearl. So I guess a regular PBR is not a stretch.
dead bound said:
I am so buying 2 cases of PBR this weekend.

Fuckin hipsters ruining PBR for the rest of us. Assholes. I still drink it. I have been since high school and wont stop now b/c of these tools. Dammit.
Yeah I love to hate PBR... Gives me the shits the next day... Up in saettle all the hipsters drank PBR and Rainier (ron-yea for those of you NWers) and most bars had $2 tall boys all day long... loved it... not so much the next morning :eek:
textsfromlastnight.com is one that i check daily
I can not get enough of that text blog! The office is quiet this morning and I'm sure everyone is wondering why I'm laughing uncontrollably. Thanks for that Go!.
dead bound said:
I am so buying 2 cases of PBR this weekend.

EDIT: Just found out that PBR bought my 2 fav Texas beers -- Lone Star and Pearl. So I guess a regular PBR is not a stretch.

NOOOOOOOOOOOOO not lone star!!! :'(

your welcome, muzak ;D i love that you can order t-shirts of your favorite ones
Looks like everyone who rides their fixie up to New Belgium for free samples before going to Road34 for dollar Coors Original and PBR. Ahh life in Fort Collins is so hip.

P.S. I know Lone Star is both a beer and the nicname for the state of Texas but come on. That's some crappy beer. I can't wait to make back to Houston to check out Saint Arnold's new brewery. And then head to an Astros game to drink more Saint Arnold!
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