Honda CB350 Tank needed


Been Around the Block

I'm looking for a gas tank in good condition. I want the angular style tank as seen on the older CB350's, circa 1969.

I've actually bought 3 tanks on ebay already and been systematically screwed with each purchase. One was simply never shipped, the other two were in much worse condition internally than was disclosed online.

Anyway, if anyone has a tank they'd sell me I'd really appreciate it.

Thanks a lot!
Hey I am looking for a CB350 tank as well, I don't mind one in bad condition, if you would like to sell on of the ones you have shoot me an email.

I have a cb175 tank in good shape. I'll post pics in the selling section tomorrow. I think it fits the cb350.
I have a 72 350 tank, pretty rusted up on the inside with some dents. email me if interested,
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