How to organize your shop

My problem is I have 1/2 the space and have 5 motorcycles along with my car packed in there :)
Jack is a very talented man . I've been following his work for a couple of years over at The Garage Journal .
Tim said:
My problem is I have 1/2 the space and have 5 motorcycles along with my car packed in there :)

And pulling your car out doesn't make much more room.
That's all well and good if you have money to piss away, but some of us are making do woth what we have.
RoadRash said:
That's all well and good if you have money to piss away, but some of us are making do woth what we have.

This is true, but that is one AMAZING garage for $3,500. For hardly anything you could implement some of those ideas into your work space.
Likewise problems
8 bikes, 9 tool boxes, 1 80gl compressor, 2-6foot metal topped benches, 3 wall cabinets,3 stand up wardrobe type cabinets, sandblaster, soda blaster, and so on and so on in a 2 car garage.
RoadRash said:
That's all well and good if you have money to piss away, but some of us are making do woth what we have.

I'm not saying that Jack isn't wealthy, but he is one hell of a guy. Very kind hearted individual. It isn't always about having money to piss away. Sometimes it's just about having the initiative to do it. Jack did all of that stuff on his own, and a lot of it was with creativity and on a budget. Well executed for sure! You can do it on the cheap if you're patient and hard working. Just takes time.
sphynx88 said:
That's all well and good if you have money to piss away...

And I - like many here - do not. But there's a lot of stuff to draw on in those pages. For my part, I've moved all of my woodworking stuff to the front of the garage (where it has to be in order to use it!) and my wrenches closer to the lift table; and it's easier to clean up, so it stays cleaner.

My garage won't look like that next week unless I spend ten grand - but it could go that direction in five years if I'm careful.
Thanks for the mention!

Here's a clean shot of the place, and a dirty shot. It's a working garage.


sphynx88 said:
This is true, but that is one AMAZING garage for $3,500. For hardly anything you could implement some of those ideas into your work space.

there's a difference between having money to "piss away" and having a tool and shop budget because you didn't "piss money away", it's amazing how much you can burn on "entertainment" that could have been spent on tools
Jack Olsen said:
Thanks for the mention!

Here's a clean shot of the place, and a dirty shot. It's a working garage.



Beautiful garage/shop and my favorite 911 body.
Thanks, Jack, for popping in - like I said, lots of neat stuff there!
Kanticoy said:
I'm not saying that Jack isn't wealthy, but he is one hell of a guy. Very kind hearted individual. It isn't always about having money to piss away. Sometimes it's just about having the initiative to do it. Jack did all of that stuff on his own, and a lot of it was with creativity and on a budget. Well executed for sure! You can do it on the cheap if you're patient and hard working. Just takes time.

Kiley, I think your shop is a great example of on the cheap as long as your dont mind putting in the work! And I think a lot of us would be surprised what can be accomplished in garages with patience, hard work, and extra hands to hang those plywood panels up for my drop ceiling and get the new electrical service ran for the future welder and better air compressor... anyone? garage party at my house? pretty please?
My garage would be that clean if it was that big and the only thing I had in it was 1 car.

As it is, my 12 x 20 foot garage has 5 motorcycles, a tool cabinet, 3 bicycles, an air compressor, 12" mitre saw, band saw, drill press, shovels and rakes, oh and yeah, my car :)

Honestly I don't even know how it all fits but it does. If I had 2x the space and 1 car, it would be awesome (except the 1 car bit - where are the motorcycles?)

Nothing taken from the garage though - it's pretty epic and he clearly put a ton of effort into it. When you look closely it's nothing outrageous - some of the wall cabinets look like they're just 2x4's nailed together, he's got some awesome heavy steel cabinets and the scissor lift is pretty cool but also nothing terribly complicated to do.

I definitely need to clear some stuff out and move 3 of my bikes out of the garage to 'somewhere' else.
I say it all the time about loading trucks and it certainly applies here... it's all about space management.
I agree with the shed theory as well. I had the idea of keeping my 6'x6' shed in my backyard after I finish my 16'x24' workshop, to house all the crap I didn't want in my way in the shop.
And that lift is awesomeness :D
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