I HATE lawyers.

The guy who closed on MY house, charged me 2K for 45 min worth of work and about 100 photo coppies.

Maybe you should have done all the legal work for your house then?

Sall are you just waiting for someone to bite and ask you what happened that irritated you to the point of posting on this forum?
Not to fan the fire (I never like to be inflammatory here at DTT), but everyone hates lawyers until they really need one. I'll be the first to admit that there are some that give the profession a bad name. But 99% have busted their tails to get where they are and continue to work hard every day to earn a living in a tough profession. Plus, you might have a few brothers/kindred spirits hanging around here on DTT who are members of this group that you profess to "hate." Just sayin ;) .
Garage Rat said:
Ok, I hate the lawyer I paid.

Haha. Much better. I just hope he did the job right, even if he did charge you what you could easily have put into some excellent projects.
LOL ;)

I hate most lawyers, employment ones are pretty crap and really greedy, workmans comp, different as they are regulated how much they can charge, plus work on contingency
Squadra... nahh not looking to talk bout my reasons. Just a statement. I'm not that big of a whiner.. just a small whiner. hahahaha.

Sack... I'm sure there may be a few lawyers posing as good people on here.. all I have to say is its never too late to change professions.

BTW.. I also hate the tax man. almost equally, but only slightly less.
BUT!!.... I love all of you! And if your'e ever broken down or in need of a hand, you will always get help from me. If your'e riding in the other direction, I'll always give you a friendly wave. If your'e stuck at the toll booth, I'll always have change for you.
If I can share my experience, I must say my attorney did a great job. Just this passed Thursday I closed on a house that I have been in contract since the beginning of July, I used my attorney as intermediate for things I wanted, I wanted some type of credit for some repairs the house needed and for him to find out why I was getting charge and arm and a leg for title services, I asked him to request a copy of the fee schedule from the title company and to contact my lender. At the end I was able to get the repair credit and my lender reduced the cost of title services by a little over $1200. Call me a crazy, but I never asked him how much he was going to charge me because the attorney who referred me to him, is a good friend of mine, he just doesn't do closing. However I did once meet an attorney that I won't be surprised if he is not dead by now. He would charge families to get their son's out of jail and would just pocket the money and give them the run around afterwards, but one day he got beat up pretty badly that the landlord of the office space he was renting asked him to leave because he didn't want his building to get vandalized.
Taxes, I know where my money goes and I dont mind paying. A little less would be nice but Canadas in good shape right now because of it.
Hichhkrjo said:
My dad has been a lawyer for 30 years and he hates lawyers more than anyone I've ever met.

;D ;D ;D
That's funny, don't care who you are
Really did LOL ;D

BTW, it was several years before I found out Jesus is pronounced
Hey-soos ;) ( central Florida )
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