If I have to explain why ...


Ambassadorship . I know it's a word because my spell checker says so . If there is one expression we have all heard at one time or another that rubs me the wrong way it's "If I have to explain you wouldn't understand ".
I will never pass up a chance to explain what I do and who I am when it comes to motorcycles . I'll rise to the bait even when it's obvious the question comes from a disinterested and purposely clueless ignorant . you never know who might be listening . I'll stress safety , individuality and personal freedom . I'll hit on the highs and the lows of ownership and riding . I'll offer introductions to MSF courses . I'll point at introductory bikes and the reasons why . I'll outline ATGATT and cite examples of minor accidents that could have been a lot worse . I'll even tell on myself when I've been stupid or ignorant .
We are ambassadors to the public for what we do and who we are . Never pass a chance to relate to even a casual question with the kind of honesty that is a surprise even to yourself . So instead of "...you would never understand" how about "I'll try but the answer to your question is really in the doing ".
I have little or less time for the media driven , me too , gotta be cool , lemmings of the motorcycling world but they too deserve initial tolerance and and something less than an argumentative answer . If I can convert just one to "it isn't what you ride it's that you ride ". I'm happy .
It may be because of my longevity . It could be because I ridden the same KZ1000 Police for decades but the one issue I don't have is with clubs . All the locals seem to recognize if not know me . I can park the KZ wherever and whenever I like . I don't back it into a line of patched bikes unless it's the last spot and I don't show anything but respect for another ride , rider , or patch until I know different .
I've always been that way because I was taught right . Decades on it has served me well and will continue to .
I do have some glaring pet peeves . Trashing classics in the name of me too customization . Form over function . Holier than though brand specific whores espousing the "one true mark" . Elitism . Bullying , terrorizing or intimidating the motoring public for any reason . Last but not least the rider with no concept of how his/her actions affect another .
Enough out of me I feel the need to ride . If I have to explain why , have you got an hour or two ?

I think you just nailed why I loved this site from the time I signed up. A mentality that seems somewhat lost as of late. Thanks for the solid, and well written reminder Kop. Always like your input here, and this just goes to prove why. If you're ever in Pittsburgh Id love to show you some great roads and buy you a beer or ten.
I have always thought that, "If I have to explain you wouldn't understand", is a very strange expression. How is a person meant to understand anything without an explanation?! For me, it's a bit of a cop out. Any person uttering that phrase should really be saying, "I don't know either, I'm just repeating something I heard."

This post showing here at this time is a interesting coincidence, though. I recently decided to comment on a first-time build on PipeBurn and let's just say that my comments had a mixed review from the audience over there. Now I don't claim to have authority over all things motorcycle and I've only been at this a couple of years. During that time, however, I've kept both my mind and my ears open and there is truly a wealth of knowledge available in the pages on this forum. My critique of this 360 build was not favorable because it was pretty damn obvious the builder opted for form over function and, like kop, I find this to be a cardinal sin. Anyway... the point being, I was actually a bit surprised at some of the negative comments I got. "Leave this place and go buy a BMW" and "OK, professor" to highlight a couple.

I wonder how we've gotten to this point? Someone points out something that is incorrect and first reaction is dismissal or even mockery? I understand that a lot of people put a lot of hard work into their builds and their designs, but time spent does not equal final quality. Admittedly, it is very difficult to get good quality without putting in the hours, but just because the hours are spent doesn't mean the finished product is worth the time invested. You can spend weeks doing the wrong things and many do. If you're gonna post your stuff up in a public forum, expect critiques. I love a good ego-stroking as much as the next guy, but it's the select handful of knowledgeable guys that take the time out of their life to tell you that you fucked up that are you really doing you the favors.

So the next time someone comes along and tells you your motorcycle needs improvement, try to avoid being a butt-hurt child for a moment and actually see where they're coming from. I'm definitely not saying that everyone who hates your bike and your color choices has a valid point, but you're only fucking yourself over if you don't take the time to realize you're on a road someone else has already been down (and possibly with disastrous consequences).

Rant over...
I wish all forums had this approach. Being hazed into a scene will likely make someone, who down the road could have been a great contributor to the community, run and hide. I never understood the elitist attitude of some forums, and more specifically some of its members. We all have something in common, why not share knowledge to enhance everyone’s overall experience? Thanks for putting in perspective Kop :D

First off I have not yet seen the post you are refering to, but I do agree with your approach of the situation. As long as someone has something constructive to say, Im all ears. I do not even mind if you give me your opinion on a personal prefrence I have chosen (ie. maybe you hate my color scheme), just gives me a little more perspective...

Sonreir said:
I have always thought that, "If I have to explain you wouldn't understand", is a very strange expression. How is a person meant to understand anything without an explanation?! For me, it's a bit of a cop out. Any person uttering that phrase should really be saying, "I don't know either, I'm just repeating something I heard."

This post showing here at this time is a interesting coincidence, though. I recently decided to comment on a first-time build on PipeBurn and let's just say that my comments had a mixed review from the audience over there. Now I don't claim to have authority over all things motorcycle and I've only been at this a couple of years. During that time, however, I've kept both my mind and my ears open and there is truly a wealth of knowledge available in the pages on this forum. My critique of this 360 build was not favorable because it was pretty damn obvious the builder opted for form over function and, like kop, I find this to be a cardinal sin. Anyway... the point being, I was actually a bit surprised at some of the negative comments I got. "Leave this place and go buy a BMW" and "OK, professor" to highlight a couple.

I wonder how we've gotten to this point? Someone points out something that is incorrect and first reaction is dismissal or even mockery? I understand that a lot of people put a lot of hard work into their builds and their designs, but time spent does not equal final quality. Admittedly, it is very difficult to get good quality without putting in the hours, but just because the hours are spent doesn't mean the finished product is worth the time invested. You can spend weeks doing the wrong things and many do. If you're gonna post your stuff up in a public forum, expect critiques. I love a good ego-stroking as much as the next guy, but it's the select handful of knowledgeable guys that take the time out of their life to tell you that you fucked up that are you really doing you the favors.

So the next time someone comes along and tells you your motorcycle needs improvement, try to avoid being a butt-hurt child for a moment and actually see where they're coming from. I'm definitely not saying that everyone who hates your bike and your color choices has a valid point, but you're only fucking yourself over if you don't take the time to realize you're on a road someone else has already been down (and possibly with disastrous consequences).

Rant over...
I like both Kop and Sonriers approach.

I've been in the design field for a long time, mostly consumer goods and I can't tell you how much I appreciate a well thought out critique against my work. To me it means that the critic has actually taken the time to try to understand what I've done, what I'm trying to accomplish and how I can better myself, and more importantly my project. We as humans haven't made it this far by shutting an idea down and dismissing it outright, we'd still be trying to read this by animal fat candles.

Those that can't handle the criticism are insecure IMO. Yes, it is important to forge ahead on your own path but it's also important to head well thought out advice.

And the fact that Kop has under 200 posts but is memorable certainly speaks volumes about him.
But what can you say to someone who is so risk-averse, that they can't even imagine deriving joy from riding a motorcycle? :-\
Ignore them, or shake hands and share a beer. Ive always found that I can find SOMETHING to talk to just about anyone about. I have friends that have no interest in bikes. Good friends. Bikes arent the the facet of your life. If they are, you need a hobby. ;)
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