ignition timeing issue CB750 1980


New Member
haveing a timing issue with 1980 cb750 the spark is happening 90 degreas after it passes the pulse genorator pick up( found this out with a timeing light and this is happing on both 1-4 and 2-3 anyone have any ideas when it would be doing that?
Yes. You have the points wires switched. Swap the blue and yellow wires on the coils.
just got the bike for a new build trying to get the motor to started for the first time and as far as i can tell from the manual everything is installed right and when i test the pick ups the seem to work ok i just dont want to go buy parts until im looking in the right direction
If you're rotating the pickup and the timing isn't changing, I suspect it might be your ignition unit.
Electricity moves at close to the speed of light. You're not going to be able to see a difference.
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