Issues staying logged in on DTT. Anyone else?


Been Around the Block
Anyone else having this issue? It just started today. If I leave the site, I have to re-log in every time. This is even if I check the stay logged in forever box. Just curious. It does it on a few different browsers so either I have issues with them all or it's the site. Thanks
You using an apple product? I find this happens when visiting with my IPAD. No issues using a windows based PC as I have seen yet.
DTT is one of the few sites that keeps my cookie session valid for a long time, which I appreciate.

I'm using Firefox on a PC and haven't had to re-log in since I joined.

This is a local settings issue, most likely. Did you ask your browser to remember the password, and set cookies to be enabled?
I've been able to stay logged in for months as long as I go to, but if I go to it I have to log in each time. I just set a bookmark for the first one.
I keep having to log on twice. The first time I log on every time, without fail, it tells me my password is incorrect. I'm not sure why.
If you have your browser set to clear cache and cookies when you close the screen it can cause that or if you have your browser set to not accept cookies.
JohnGoFast said:
I've been able to stay logged in for months as long as I go to, but if I go to it I have to log in each time. I just set a bookmark for the first one.

Hey I'm using a Macbook. I had this issue on both chrome and safari. I also do not have my net set to clear cookies. I can leave gmail, hotmail, etc. and I stay logged in.

Thanks JohnGoFast! This worked. I will just bookmark the forum link. Weird that if I go to the main page it logs me out, but if I do like you said it works fine. Thanks again!
Make sure you're coming back to not just
Tim said:
Make sure you're coming back to not just

Yep that worked too, when I just tried. I'm not sure if I was doing that before or not because I reset my browser to see if that fixed it. Anyhow, I'm glad I don't have to log in every time now.
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