Just checking in


Over 1,000 Posts
Hey fellas-
Given that I have neither internet nor cell service at my new duty station, I've been having some serious DTT withdrawls this summer. Luckily, service is a blast of a 40 mile ride away, so I can get on every once in a while. But I know I'm missing out on so many killer builds right now. Anyways, I might not be commenting as much as I used to, but I'll catch up this winter, believe you me.

As for me, I'm working/living in probably the sweetest spot to own a bike that I can imagine. I'm way up on the North Umpqua highway in SW Oregon. Twisty roads abound, and I've maxed out the lean angle on my tires too many times to count. Bliss. The Gulf is treating me perfectly too; not a single problem 2100 miles (and counting) after the build. A real surprise to me though: my glass work is much stronger than I expected. I gave it a solid test with the weight of a little lady on the tank one sinful night, if you get my drift. ;D

Anyways, hope everyone is still kicking ass and taking names here...looking forward to sharing a new build this winter-

Did you weigh her before the test too? :D

All good Chris- we understand what you're doing. For the most part, everybody has the same projects/builds going on so you can just catch up at the end of the season.
Glad to hear you (and more importantly the bike ;) ) are alive and well! Look forward to havin ya back around more often Chris! Oh, and remember... PICS OR IT DIDNT HAPPEN! Hahaha.
I'm about three or four hours from you (to the North). PM me if you wanna come up here and go for a ride or something. I have a couch you can crash on.
Portland? There's a bunch of DTTers around there, no? I'll definitely have to see if I can work something out...
So, uh, you got the scratches in the tank buffed out then? :p Glad to hear you're rocking it out there man!
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