Keihin Leak


Been Around the Block
This is more of an FYI ....

My idle had been creeping up and up on my TX500 and my right plug was looking lean at idle as well, so I checked my pilot adjustment- no change and no leak. I sprayed some thrust around the carb manifold and no sign of vacuum leak there.

I pulled the carbs off and checked to ensure that everything was clean and clear and there was no internal leaks in the air bleed jet cover gasket etc..... I found nothing obvious, however after some cleaning and blowing, I put them back on. No change. I checked the carb sync and... the right side was way down on vacuum vs the left:

I started adjusting the balance and there was something obviously very wrong. So after another hour or so of looking and thinking and tinkering... I found, with additional spraying , that the right carb's outer butterfly shaft bushing had the vacuum leak:

I had a spare carb...

And after a dip, an ultrasonic and the installation of the internals and shiny bits, I reassembled the set :

After double checking for any leaks, dialing in the butterfly balance and setting the pilot screws, I was good to go.

Now, there are no end seal bushings or parts shown on any fiche site or any exploded view of Kiehin CV's down to the culprit bits. It is common knowledge that the butterfly and shaft not be removed .... they are quite fragile and the screws are swaged. ... so has anyone ever suffered this issue or found that is worth the trouble to correct ?

Upon my next carb issue...... VM's are in my future.
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