Know any sign painters or pinstripers in Salt Lake City?


Been Around the Block
Looking for an honest fellow to do some hand lettering on my tank this winter. Know anyone?
Check out local tattoo shops. Theres always at least one artist at every shop who's into pinstriping, and they're usually cheaper than the car guys who all think they're Von Fuckin Dutch because they painted a winged eyeball on some rat rod.
I will ask my Dad he might know some guys. We have had a lot of pinstriping done over the years on our hot rods. Will probably be tomorrow afternoon before I get back to you though.
Thanks guys.

Thats a great idea Yinz- Come to think of it, most ink shops have great hand painted signs out front too.
VonYinzer said:
Check out local tattoo shops. Theres always at least one artist at every shop who's into pinstriping, and they're usually cheaper than the car guys who all think they're Von Fuckin Dutch because they painted a winged eyeball on some rat rod.

+1 to Yinzer, I'll try to hit a buddy up about where he's had some done on a few rat rods down in that area, also you could try calling UVU or DATC to see if their instructors do any on the side or know of some past auto body painting students with experience looking for extra cash. I know BATC up in Logan had some really great instructors with a significant back ground in auto painting that kept tabs on the more gifted painters just for that kind of work.
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