Learning to pinstripe worth it?

Moto Josh

New Member
Do you think this "art" is going away and people rarely learning to pay for it/want it, or actually worth learning? If so can anyone suggest any basic online videos to get started? I work in an auto collision repair shop so I have access to a lot of waste paint to practice if it is worth it. Than ks
I mean if you want to know how to do it learn.
If you think its going to make you a bunch of money don't bother.
It's about the skill here not the money. There are a few that make a little money striping but it won't keep you afloat, and there are many with years and years of experience.
Most anything art related will keep you poor. Trust me. Do it for the love of it. There is still a market for sign painters and stripers, but it's small.

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it sounds like you want to learn it and do it
if i was in your position with acces to colors and paints and whatnot i think it would be fun and very rewarding to learn that shit
why not just start playing with it? who cares if its "worth it"
you may find you are quite good at it or not but who cares it is a cool thing to focus on
i am not sure if auto paints are what are used for striping though
yeah lead-filled oil based enamals i think are the hot setup twitch twitch
the brushes are very special fer sure eh?
There's probably only a handful of people in the world actually making a living pin striping. It's great to learn, for fun, but don't go quitting your job to pursue it.

If you're already an auto finish tech, and you want to add value to your resume, it might help, maybe. Unless you're working at a place that puts out a lot of classic customs the shop would probably never bill that kind of work.

OneShot is pretty much the industry standard for striping and lettering. Another good thing to learn is gold and silver leafing.
MacK makes good brushes for a reasonable price- http://www.mackbrush.com
Do not skimp on brushes or paint. They are worth the investment. Take care of them better than everything else.
Yeah Mack brushes and Oneshot are pretty much the standard as far as I know. I wanted to learn just because I really admire the individuality expressed by each different artist. That and the stuff is pretty cheap to get started. Like 30 to 50 bucks and your ready to rock and roll with a brush and a couple colors. I think Steve Kafka is a pinstripe and leaf bigwig. He has some youtube videos you can watch if you want to see a pro in action. Im thinking it takes A LOT of practice to get good, but the final product should be satisfying.
I use a local pinstriper in my powder coating work. He charges $30 for a pinstripe on a standard car wheel. I watched him do one and it took him about 2 minutes to complete one stripe. At that rate he is making $900/hr. There is such little work in that market right now that he is driving a truck for a living.
Pinstriping is HARD.... Good pinstripers make it look a breeze... It is NOT. I was an art major in in college... Illustration/Graphic design... I'm quite capable with most media formats... Pinstriping is a bitch. I don't do enough of it to stay in shape to do it... You have to do it regularly to keep up the skill which is not easy...
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