locO leoN's Super Quick TT500 Cafe Racer Build...

My guess....and this of course is meant as constructive....but that is flux core wire and not hot enough by far. This isn't structural stuff so it should be fine. BTW, I hate flux core. +100 on shielding gas. A million times better. BTW, love the bike.
Flux core will burn cleaner than that... Metal was either greasy or temps too cool, also, a little anti- spatter spray works wonders. Fux core burns/penetrates a lot hotter and deeper than MiG w/ gas. Ya, There is always a better way to do it, but, YOUR doing it! sometimes one needs to sacrifice a tad of "quality" in trade for the pride of "I" did it.
cool... our shop welder has been giving me lessons! hahaha now i tack stuff up with our lil miller 100 and he comes in and will mig or tig it up... my first welds looked alot like that, and it was cuase my wire speed was way to high
You're right Louie, it can be a lot cleaner than that...but never as clean as gas IMO. And I am with you 100%. he's doing it right. Tank mounts and such are a great way to get started. Better than shock mounts for learning!
do not mean to jump ship here on your thread bud... but i have been practicing welding round bar togther... basicly it was tacked once at each side and i have been going down it practicing laying a clean bead in the middle of the 2... you guys think that is good practice. I was driving Tim nuts asking him what i should practice on and that is what he came up with. i hate asking for help on anything. exp welding... was time i learned... you two have any tips for use to practice on?
ooh ya... loco, shit gets HOT man. hahaha i laid my first dime row bead and was so pumped i grabbed the bar to run it in the back room of the shop to show Tim, burned the piss out of my hands... all i got was laughed at hahahaha, well deserved
That's a good way to practice Joe. I always teach guys by taking a piece or two of plate, angle, whatever and running a bead experimenting with heat and speed settings until you get a clean bead. Then take that piece and cut it in half and see how your penetration is. It really shows you how deep your welds are getting, etc. It teaches you when to raise heat and speed accordingly. Butt joints are good practice. Tubing is tough, so if you can master that you're well on your way. the depth of penetration is where it's at (that's what she said). The better the penetration, the stronger the weld. It's good to practice stitch welding as well. It teaches you how to prevent warping the piece. Especially useful on frame building etc.
yep, All good advice. Joe if your talking about welding 2 pieces together that are side by side, and welding the valley, That is good practice as well. I always found that pushing flux wire works better than pulling it. Dont know why? But it works best for me that way. Kiley, your right, gas is by far a better looking weld, and he cant achieve that with flux. But, there is still room for improvement working with what he has.
Hey Gents!!.. Thanks for all the great tips!.
yeah, that was my first time welding and the speed was running a bit fast while the temp control was a bit colder than it should have been...

I'll take some pics and post some pics on friday, after I spend more time on the welder. At that time, it was just to get used to the control and technique. I was also playing with the ARC/Stick welder as well... what a mess that process is!

But yeah, everyone who wants to weld has to pick up the damn things and do their first weld - and that was mine!
I do have to say, its getting cleaner!..

Not even close to being ready to do anythig structrual.. just tabs and etc... I'll get there!
Swapmeet Louie said:
Flux core will burn cleaner than that... Metal was either greasy or temps too cool, also, a little anti- spatter spray works wonders. Fux core burns/penetrates a lot hotter and deeper than MiG w/ gas. Ya, There is always a better way to do it, but, YOUR doing it! sometimes one needs to sacrifice a tad of "quality" in trade for the pride of "I" did it.

Thank you sir!!. at least now I wont be buggin my buddies to do little shit.. :)
locO leoN said:
Thank you sir!!. at least now I wont be buggin my buddies to do little shit.. :)

Hey, no worries.... Ones gotta start some where. I cant recommend anit-spatter spray enough. Half of that in the pic would have just rolled off and what did stick would come of easy with a cold chisel and your hand.
Hey Noel! That might be your coolest build yet! 8) Don't screw it up! ;)

Just messin' wit ya! Good job bud! ;D
Nice project Noel.
That's coming along well.
Hope you have her around next season as I think my rides into TO are done for the year.
Thats one great transformation in 5 hours. Really like the seat. HAvnt posted in a while and glad I came on to see this. Very cool
Spade115 said:
Thats one great transformation in 5 hours. Really like the seat. HAvnt posted in a while and glad I came on to see this. Very cool

Thanks man..
More pics from yesterday.
Finally decided and mounted the exhaust and finalized the seating brackets.

Bike runs. All I need to do is decide on a taillight and wire up the rear brake switch, & slap the chain back on.



Swapmeet Louie said:
Hey, no worries.... Ones gotta start some where. I cant recommend anit-spatter spray enough. Half of that in the pic would have just rolled off and what did stick would come of easy with a cold chisel and your hand.

Hey Louie,
Any particular brand of anti-splatter?
Do you just spray it on the area before you weld? like spraypaint? - like PAM spray on cooking oil? :)
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