LOL! neighbors...

Hoosier Daddy said:
OR... take another approach, buy a 12-pack of cheap ass beer and the next time you see redneck over-all guy, yell out "Hey Neighbor, ya want a cold one?" (and smile).
Hold a beer out in front of you and mosey over to meet him. He will instinctivley walk toward the free beer. Now pace yourself so you meet half way on neutral ground and hand it to him, don't open it for him, make him work for it. (interaction)
After the first one tell him to come have another... then sit on your front porch and act all Chummy-chummy, it won't kill either one of you. After 3 or so grab ALL the rest of the beer and walk over to your bike and do the stare, sip, stare routine that we all do. Now crack open two and hold one out for him.
Trust me he WILL follow... ask him what he would do with ______ (pick something easy, like color) and get the juices flowing in him. Even if he says pink with purple poke-a-dots agree that might be cool. Just get him thinking his input matters and you WANT his opinion.
After the 12 are gone, you and your bike wont so bad to him any more.

*NOTE* Do NOT try this with Whiskey, it makes Rednecks fuckin MEAN and want to beat the shit out of something... you will be the first thing he sees.

This is really good! ;D

You've probably seen Maybe you should do stuff rednecks like.
When I lived in the city, I had a neighbor who called the cops, and the city on me for trying to start a dirt bike in my garage, door open at 5pm. City kid was told to get lost, as I had better things to do, and left. Cop showed up when I was gone, and actually went to the wrong house. One night shortly after that I had a KZ 350 triple in the driveway, which I had running as I was trying to set it up. I realized it was getting close to 8 pm, so I shut er down knowing some people put their kids to bed early. Half hour later a guy from the city shows up. He starts by pulling the usual authority shit, and then I tell him what I did. He asks if that was the bike, and I say yes. He kinda chuckles as he sees the stock pipes, so I fire it up for him. He laughs, and says "some people" and then tells me his bike, which has Vance & Hines pipes on it is louder than that!! We end up shooting the shit for a while out on the street like old buddies for all the neighbors to see. Worked perfect!!!! Never, ever got a visit from the cops, or city again! I now have moved to the country, where people are alot more laid back than the uptight citiots.
The only problem with Hooisier's idea is that it might work. I'd rather hear him bitch once in a while. Imagine him getting involved every time you opened the garage. Watch out or your bike could end up looking like the Geo. Or more to the point, have you ever seen Cable Guy?
My neighbors are brothers. One retarded er retired and the other on disability. One called the township bitching my grass was too high. So I cut it last now and blow clipping 10 ft in anal retentives yard! They bitch and complain about all my bikes and other vehicles and anything else that enters their tiny feeble little minds. So instead of trying to get along or be friendly to the assholes I go out of my way to irritate them at every opportunity. I enjoy it almost as much as they enjoy bitching. Damn fools even tried to find a way to get me evicted from a house I own. No mortgage no payments, it's 100% mine. Next move to further irritate them is hedge planting on the property lines. With forsythia. Everyone with allergies loves forsythia.
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