Looking to get into Vintage racing, Good resources?


Been Around the Block
Hey so im thinking about getting into vintage racing and was wondering if anyone could throw some resources at me, Good websites and forums appreciated!

Thanks all
All depends on where you are located. Here in the northeast, we have USCRA and some AHRMA races. There are a bunch of different organizations throughout the country.
BUT before you can race you must take a road racing school. Penguin Road Race school is the one i went to. You can take Keith Code's California Superbike school also, and there are others, but i cant think of them right now.
I'm going racing next year also, and vintage racing seems to be a lot more fun, wringing the bike out to max instead of going 7/10ths on a modern sport bike.
Eastern Canada has the www.vrra.ca for vintage road racing. 8)
im in the southeast i suppose
I really want to try and find like an old 150.. I think it would be more fun and teach me how to ride much better then move up
if youre in the southeast then i'd suggest contact AHRMA. They might hold their own licensing course. I know USCRA does up here sometimes. I'd look into a 160 or 350 if you wana start small. You could even go with a 50. Those classes are real popular!
Good Luck!
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