Lurking no more!!! CB450 build starts now!

Sonreir said:
They're bronze. You can get them from Bob Franzke at for around $40.

Thats exactly who I got them from Sonreir....He is great to work with and shipped them right away.

and no need to apologize jackstraw650...I didnt mean to start a tussle. The knee indents look great! It's exactly the direction I was headed.
i removed my comments . i apologize to who ever thread this is , you guys must understand i was at the home page where you see the latest pictures up loaded and i see the cleanest tank i have probably seen make it out of the 70's and next to it i see the next photo of it paint striped and hammered in with dents i nearly lost my mind. Straw the dents do look good , but my point was that when doing that sort of work we should all try finding tanks that are sunburnt or dented, i probably should of had a diffrent choice in words. back to the mans build.
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