mikesxs clubmans?


Active Member
I was looking at the clubman handlebars from Mikes Xs and it kinda looks different from other clubmans. Looks like it sits higher than the other brands. Anybody have experience with these bars? Any pics or feedback? Thanks.
I think that's just because the pics on Mikes XS have them mounted the other way around...

You can mount clubmans either way.


The only difference in the Mikesxs picture is the angle of the photograph - it's more straight-down than most other pictures, and the U of the bars is positioned more or less parallel to the ground.

I'd skip the bars from Mikesxs - the welded ends of the U are pinched etc. They don't look as nice. If you want the best clubmans, find a set of adjustable Tommaselli bars.
Tim said:
I'd skip the bars from Mikesxs - the welded ends of the U are pinched etc. They don't look as nice.
I agree, I have seen better looking. Those crimped areas look as if done by a HS shop class.
IagainstI said:
no those are the clunmans without the pointed bends..looks more like clipons.

While you're right about the 2 different style of clubmans, it doesn't matter for what I said... Just a different way of connecting the ends.

splittie said:
I agree, I have seen better looking. Those crimped areas look as if done by a HS shop class.


All clubmans are cheap (except for 1" bars), just as well to get them off of e-bay.
Ease said:
All clubmans are cheap (except for 1" bars), just as well to get them off of e-bay.
I had the same thought, just didn't wanna sound like a cheap @$$ (Not to say that you do) that buys his parts off ebay
I think I'm gonna stop talking now. I seem to be digging myself into a hole. :-\
Tim said:
The only difference in the Mikesxs picture is the angle of the photograph - it's more straight-down than most other pictures, and the U of the bars is positioned more or less parallel to the ground.

I'd skip the bars from Mikesxs - the welded ends of the U are pinched etc. They don't look as nice. If you want the best clubmans, find a set of adjustable Tommaselli bars.
heres\'s another choce http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Parts-Accessories___rd250-rd350-bsa-clipons-handlebars-clip-ons-rz-35mm_W0QQitemZ280246611469QQddnZPartsQ20Q26Q20AccessoriesQQddiZ2811QQcmdZViewItem?hash=item280246611469&_trksid=p3286.m14.l1318
splittie said:
I had the same thought, just didn't wanna sound like a cheap @$$ (Not to say that you do) that buys his parts off ebay
I think I'm gonna stop talking now. I seem to be digging myself into a hole. :-\

How dare you!!


I'm not cheap, I'm just "financially challenged" :D
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intrudin said:
heres\'s another choce http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Parts-Accessories___rd250-rd350-bsa-clipons-handlebars-clip-ons-rz-35mm_W0QQitemZ280246611469QQddnZPartsQ20Q26Q20AccessoriesQQddiZ2811QQcmdZViewItem?hash=item280246611469&_trksid=p3286.m14.l1318

Anyone using these? They just jet straight out eh? I'm holding out for some telefix or tommaselli clip-ons....I think I'll enjoy the flexibility of them.
i ended up buying the pinched ones. they where $33 at Pro-6
ebay bars would have been 50 plus including shipping and Ontario cycle wanted $80 for the non pinched ones. :eek:

i would have rather'ed the non pinched bars but with the width of the xj tank most clubmans are too narrow.

besides the pinched bars are better than my old bent drag bars :-\
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