Modifying stock exhaust and making/trimming cables to length


New Member
I am looking for some advice on modifying my stock exhaust.
I am building a CB650SC and would really like to shorten up the exhaust to bring it closer to the center of the bike. Can I just chop the pipes and replace the baffles? How will it effect my tuning/performance? I am not so much looking for pop in performance as I am the ascetics. I had originally replaced the air box with pods for the same reason, but was never able to get the performance that I should have using the pods. I tried everything short of a dyno-jet kit. Needless to say I am putting that ugly thing back on. Will i run into similar issues chopping the exhaust?

is there an easy way to make cables/housings the right length at home? Surely there must be some "problem-solver" for the lead ends. I needed to replace my clutch cable but the housing was too short, (or maybe the cable was too long?!). I ended up using an old presta valve stem to make up the difference I needed. I would like to replace all of my cables but don't want to hassle with OEM and would like to be able to make them all fit w/o using garage floor debri.

Follow the link to see my project and progress...
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