Mods gone wild!

these guys rep pretty good at Bike night at old town... you should see how they do up their Honda Ruckus's...
Dead Bound said:
After all the scooter pics, there is a RELATED: BOZUKU cars link to click. Check it out.


Ok, so one of the scooters needs 12ft long pipes.
why take something functional, and make it the exact opposite of what its supposed to be?

not to mention the shiton of money they put into making it.

i mean, some of the stuff is cool (and ive considered a slightly modified ruckus myself) but really, stretched, lowered, huge body.. just goes against what a scooter is (light, nimble, city friendly)
Ive seen some pretty cool ruckus' stretched and modified but Honda is a good scooter. Those are just mainland china pieces of sh*t that wont run for more than 6 months anyway. Why waist the time and effort just to make it look worse.
I swear that that huge chimney exhaust up there looks like it is made out of beer it?!
Yeah it is.

I'm kinda digging this one:

loose the oil cooler.

The comment about modding stuff to make it impractical is one that plenty of people can and will, and are right to, make about anyone on this forum (of course including myself)

"Why are all these cafe racer wanna-bees modding these old pieces of junk bikes to be less comfortable and less practical when they could just buy themselves a used Honda Civic which is more practical, safer, and half the time even cheaper?"
I'd ride one:


Look like cool father/daughter projects, it's like building a motorcycle... but a little cheaper and when you're done you don't end up with a 100mph highway legal kid killer.
You got too much time on your hands if your searching Orlando Craigslist from Penn. ;D
My thoughts exactly Mysta.
The number of people that have asked me why I would turn a completely useful and comfortable cb350 into a hardtail chopper, or slightly uncomfortable and mildy wild cafe bike...
Though these scooters are a bit over the top. haha
crazypj said:
You got too much time on your hands if your searching Orlando Craigslist from Penn. ;D

Actually, I found this on another forum. The original poster is in the hospital- she found it first.

The "over the top" is what's so funny to me. And the concern that the guy is doing such a major modification for a mere $150
Yeah, they are over the top, but that's just opinion. They were pretty nuts back in the day too:



Style's just different now, not to mention materials and tools.
Nothing is as bad as the custum 'Busa trend in my opinion... I remember around a decade ago going to a bike show and seeing at least 3 of them covered in fur. There was one all covered in snakeskin too. That one had over $15k invested in it.

Random awful Hyabusa:
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