Motorcycle Classics Magazine


New Member
Just getting everyones thoughts on Motorcycle Classics Magazine, I started picking this one up about 6 months ago, have been addicted ever since and now a subscriber . I highly recommend it for anyone that hasn't read an issue or two, and just wanted to get some of your opinions on it.
It's like Christmas every time it hits my mailbox. In between editions, this site keeps me pretty entertained....
It's currently the only magazine I subscribe to; and have been a subscriber to since sometime in '06. It's awesome! I used to subscribe to Cycle World, Motorcyclist and Sport Rider. None of them have been in my mailbox for quite a few years. Once in a while I'll pick up a Cycle World in the store and thumb through it. It normally ends up back in the rack, rather than in the cart. I guess I'm just too cheap (or too poor), but I really can't relate to motorcycles costing as much as new ones do. M/C Classics is a little more my speed. Now if they could just get Peter Egan to write for them.....
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