Motorcycle Clubs & Patches

On the east coast I hung out with a club called "lynx" they were a fully patched 99% ama affiliated club. Had a top and bottom rocker 3 peice patch. Great bunch of Cats. Just stand up guys. Never saw a single issue with another club. 1% or otherwise. And it was ha and pagan territory.
I'm gonna side with all the other folks and just say I wouldn't want to be a member of a club that would have me as a member.

But more seriously, bunch of younger guys where I was started a club and started wearing patches. We knew they were going to get their asses kicked, until we found out they had gone to the local HA to get permission. Then came the news that they were paying $5k a month or something ridiculous for the privilege of not getting their asses kicked, and that knocks on the door demanding more money the next day happened occasionally too. The smart ones got out, some have realized they're in over their head, and they're kind of the laughing stock of most of their old friends. They also think that it makes them tough if one of them gets into a confrontation to have everyone else jump in and fight one guy. Some want to use it as their ticket to get into HA. Most don't turn their own wrenches and have showroom floor Harleys. And need I say that there's likely some truth to the story that they were inspired at least in part by Sons of Anarchy. Even if the OP here isn't inspired by SoA, everyone will think he is and snicker. Jus' sayin'.
Wow, a z and an s. watch out for the spelling police.
Rich Ard said:
Wow, a z and an s. watch out for the spelling police.

Haha!! Just wanted to cover all our bases! ;)

You're sharp as a tack Rich Ard!! ;) Our QC Department caught it in time as well and the actual patches have the "Z" only. :D

Wouldn't want to get a beat down by the spelling police too!! :D
What's wrong with boyses?
Sounds like gollums gang.
Tricksy hobbitses
boyz boyz! You miss understand me. We aren't trying to go through with putting patches on our jackets, we abandoned the idea as soon as it came out of our mouths and then looked over our shoulders to see who was around.

I was just trying to stress the point that MCs take their patches and style VERY seriously.

I wanted to know if you guys had any stories or feelings about MCs.

Thank you to those that have shared so far and for those of you that didn't know...well...I'm glad to hear that you're all the wiser now.

The more I research myself, the more I get a feel for what's acceptable and what will land you in a hospital or shallow grave.

I think the illustration I want to do on my jacket (painted on and not stitched on) will be OK, even with the Outlaws. Still going to keep asking locally and hell, might even submit my design to the Outlaws themselves once it's ready.

Then again, do I want them to know me or my design? Do I want to know them period?

Someone asked what AOA stands for and the answer is: it's an acronym for America Outlaw Association.

Something else that should be read up on (if you feel it's relevant to you) are things like club insignias/ tattoos/ mottos. 1%ers can look like the kid next door sometimes, so it pays to pick up on things like that if you ever find yourself in a sketchy little biker bar.

Long story not short, I don't find myself in places like that (more than once in an off chance of trying somewhere new) and my circles don't come close to being near their circles. On the same hand though, it seems my whole life I've bumped into them in non motorcycle related situations or in FL. there's many people that "knew/know" an Outlaw. Even before I rode bikes I knew people whose "uncle" was in the Outlaws or something along those hush-hush obscure lines. I guess that's just where I live and that's why I'm trying to be more aware of it.

I'm not them and for that reason I don't want to look like them, just don't want to do something out of ignorance.

So again, I feel it pays to know the DOs and Don'ts.
You'd never know it to look at me, other than a club wrench tattoo. Clean shaven, short hair, low bars on the bike I'm putting back together... Sucks, but I had to get a real job instead of goofing off in the shops all the time. Do miss the long beard and longer hair. And can't get used to shaving, hate it.
Hell biker bars are fun regardless of affiliations
I make friends with the most unlikely people i have no issues with any of them and if i find myself in a biker bar full of "1%ers" chances are ill leave with several new friends and not dead, regardless of what I am wearing.
I have several friends in the Mongols. I watched them beat a early 20's Douches ass for mocking them at the bar we were at.

I don't think the kid fully understood who the Mongols are. He come up to a couple of them "Oh, you're in a biker gang, aren't you cool?" "What are you, a wannabee Hells Angel?"

Didn't end well for the guy.
I find the whole patch club, colours, get permission thing utterly ridiculous. I kick against any self-appointed guardians of some bullshit rule. Here in England this sort of thing is hardly an issue. I attend ride-ins at a local Harley dealer on my Yamaha Midnight Star and mix with HAs, Warlocks and other patch club members and no-one gives a shit cos we're all into bikes. I don't like the macho culture that goes with this sort of thing and feel sorry for you guys if things are that serious where you are.
I agree it is a bit of crap. I have met a few people from various clubs and it always seems to be the older blokes who are the decent ones.
Half the bloody "members" in the city I live in don't even ride bikes, they just take a heap of steroids and goey and do what they are told.

Honestly thought with the patch thing, I think it is like putting a steak on your back and jumping in a pen full of wolves, you know in the back of your head exactly how it will end.
A lot being said about patches and what other clubs may think about it. No one has mentioned what the general public might think. I think no matter what kind of bike or scooter you ride or how nice everyone in the club is, as soon as you put a patch on your back the general public thinks you're a hoodlum. I'd rather not do anything that will turn the public against riding in general, like what happened in NY last weekend. Not one biker I now of has sided with what they did there. But I guarantee the public has a much dimmer view of us all this week.

I ride alone or with anyone that can keep up with me. I usually ride alone. ;D When I was young and raced bikes, when I rode on the streets I was adamant that my friends not try and keep up with me for fear of them getting hurt.
I prospected for the local vesty/biker boyz/rydahz club out here where I live.they were the misfits of the three clubs out here and I felt like I fit in until I put the vest on with the big P on the back. after about a quarter of a mile on the way home it felt like I had a giant target on my back.they got their vest back within 24 hours. I don't need the extra the way they had a bottom rocker until the vagos kindly requested they remove it
"American Outlaw Association". Hahahaha.... Is that like the "League of Evil' or something. Can't we just call the Avengers or the X-Men to come and fuck up their secret lair?

In the past, I had toyed with the idea of starting a "motor club" for some friends and I who are into bikes and vintage cars. The thing I realized though, is that whether or not we had some silly uniform the good folks would always hang out and help one another. The dbags who just wanted strength in numbers would split when they realized it wasn't the hard core shit they were after. I also realized that the more supposedly like minded folks you get together, the more you realize that you really don't like most of them. ;)
If you want to wear patches or whatever go for it. If someone wants to fight about it, defend yourself. If someone wants to make fun of guys and gets beat up, sucks for them. I'm of the mind set that as long as you're straight with your own code, anyone elses - be it Hells Angels or the Police - shouldn't be a problem for you. Live by your own rules - that's what I do.
AgentX said:
Clubs represent in many ways the opposite of the reason I like to ride a motorcycle.

Thank you! I think motorcycle clubs are ridiculous and totally despise motorcycle gangs. The very idea that you have to seek permission to start your own club? Territories? How fucking juvenile.
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