Motorcycle Rider's Safety Course?


Been Around the Block
I decided to enroll in a Rider's Safety Course this weekend- just since I've heard so many positive things about them. For those of you that have taken a similar course- what did you think about it? Did you learn anything that you still use or think of regularly?
I had a bunch of fun during the one I took and yes it was definitely worth while for me.
I grew up riding dirt bikes here and there, nothing too crazy and certainly not extensive. Learned a shit load in the course, probably a number of things I never would have learned on my own. Had some cool instructors too, it was a fun time.
Like Trec and the others I had a blast when I took it . It also changed my driving habits in my car .
During my Course this Kid had borrowed someones old Virago to take the test (it clearly needed a chain and tires, brakes etc) They gave him the benefit of the doubt and let him take the test and he Dumped it doing a skid manuver.... Failed Sucked for him cause it was the only time someone dropped a bike all day.
Good stuff. Definitely worth the time/money. Watch the weather and re-schedule if one or the other day will be raining. TWICE now I've taken a course and it was going to rain one of the days and instead of doing some course/some riding, we did all the course work in one day and all the riding the next. It sucked bad.

JustinLonghorn said:
I rode for ten or so years before finally taking the MSF, and still learned a thing or two.

Yep. I'll probably do another one in the spring, there are some really good advanced coaches locally.
Wow- great feedback. I'm glad I signed up then! I'm off to mine in a few minutes... looking forward to it.
I think it's a great idea.

I took it back in around 1996 even though I'd been riding dirtbikes since about 1978, and street bikes since 1988.

Even though I already had my endorsement, I took it to get a discount on insurance.

What I learned was what the laws were, and what cops THINK you should be doing (even if some of the things they want you to do aren't correct and make zero sense), to keep you on the right side of the law while riding on the streets.
bud. said:
I decided to enroll in a Rider's Safety Course this weekend- just since I've heard so many positive things about them. For those of you that have taken a similar course- what did you think about it? Did you learn anything that you still use or think of regularly?

You default to your level of training
when I'm not trying to kill myself they are all trying to kill me

advanced course

becoming comfortable with both ends of the bike moving around under acceleration , braking and severe cornering loads .
Sharing advanced situation awareness and experience .

I did not take the course until I had been riding for 17 years .
This is my 40th season on two wheels

Been thinking about it, but with 26 years of street riding under my belt, I'm pretty set in my bad habits by this point...
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