New Guy From Slower Lower De


Hello there from Dover De. My name is Jon and I like long walks along the beach at sunset, paragliding and oh wait not that kind of site.
Working on getting my project running and tagged in the 1st State. Its a 92 Seca ii that I eventually plan to build up. Right now I just want to get it running stock and make sure there are no serious problems with the engine or trans. Had it almost a year getting married and new to us house projects keep putting it on the back burner but I'm determined to get it on the road this spring.
Also Mr. Sinister refered me to this little slice of the interwebz.(just so you know who's to blame lol)
Welcome to DTT Jon! Congrats on the Seca, and you're right... life has a habit of getting in the way of bike builds. Good on ya for sticking with it.
Interesting choice of usernames... Did you know there is a "Carpy" who does cafe' bikes and bit's?
Hello there , I'm from the far north wet corner . I like to abuse noobs , profess to know everything there is to know about publicly castigating JCWhitney/DragSpecialties/SawzAll/rattlecan builds with a minor degree in attributing the death of innocent kittens to any build involving multiple trips to the plumbing store .

I also own and operate a variety of motorcycles usually customized by incidental rust proofing and random oxidization . You'll find me most often refereed to as stfu , that grumpy old man or when is he ever going to start/finish a build .

I don't do idiots , sheep or lemmings and don't own a television

Welcome and beware of unfinished motorcycle projects in your neighborhood that look like a good deal . You have been warned .

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