New here (Yet another CB360)


New Member
Waddup, I'm Adam and this is my bike. I picked it up over the winter and started in on it right away. Progress has been slow because I have two kids and not a lot of free time.

Anyway, here it is. Some of it is a bit cliche I know, but it's all mine.

I plan on plating and registering it this week and maybe have it on the road before summer's all gone.

Hope ya like it, but if not... Get bent.

Cheers -Adam
Welcome to the site. Enjoy the new bike.

I can sympathize with trying to wrench or ride with a couple of kids in the house. I usually don't make it out into the garage until 10 or 10:30 at night, and then it requires a bit of quiet. It can be frustrating when all you want to do is grind, cut, or whatever.
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