New To Do The Ton and want to start a project


New Member
Ive recently fallen in love with cafe racers and im looking to start a new project. now i really dont know much about cafe racers and id like to learn all i can. im sure there are places on this forum that could help me but i couldnt find much. im just looking for some info on how to do a build, what price tag, what bike is best, knowledge i need for the build. things like that. any help would be appreciated guys. and try not to be too harsh on me because of my ignorance lol :eek:
You're best bet would probably be to just stick around here and do a lot of reading, especially some of the build threads. Look at some of the past Bike of the Month winners and candidates and look up their build threads, lots of good reading and ideas there.

As for price tag, no idea. It can be as expensive as you want it to be, to help minimize costs you should find a bike in the best condition possible. If your new to bikes, make sure its in running condition. What bike is best? No real answer for this either, really depends on what you like and what you plan on doing with it. Have a look around to get an idea on all the possible flavours.
yeah im great with my hands and have done lots of work and multiple projects on cars. on motorcycles i have much less experience. and i do have riding experience. but im sure it isnt much compared to most
How tall are you? Weight? Do you care about actually doing "The Ton" or just want a fun bike to scoot around on.

What part of the country are you in?

A lot of new guys think they can save money buying the cheapest bike they can find regardless of the condition. There is a MASSIVE difference between "entry cost" and "value". Buy the best COMPLETE AND RUNNING (not "almost complete" or "almost running"). If you don't see it start IN PERSON, don't believe the seller. Get a bike that's comfortable for your size. If you're 6'6", a cb350 is going to feel small. If your 5'2" you won't be able to handle the weight of a cb750.

Find some bikes on craigslist, and post the links here. You'll get advice, more than you really want.
im 5'8 and 160 pounds. i would like to do "the ton" but for right now just a fun scooting around bike would be more realistic. and i live in downtown toronto. im definitely planning on buying a bike that runs, but if bikes are anything like cars, then the fact that it runs is no indication that its not a piece of shit lol. i was kind of leaning towards a cb550 or 500 but im having a hard time finding one thats in running order that hasnt already been completed
Anything with "CB" in front of it seems to demand a premium. Check out Yamaha SR and XS, or Suzuki GS or Kawasaki KZ.
will do. is kijiji and craigslist a good place to search or is there a other websites that are specific to selling older bikes
how do these look. how do those pricetags add up. i dont want to be getting ripped off since im new to the scene and dont really know the costs
Start small and work up. Thats why I do CB450/500s, iron clad, and easy to work on.

Find a 500ish single cylinder thumper, and make it your own.

Ive been cafing for decades, and I still prefer to Keep It Stupid Simple (KISS)
ive been speaking with this seller

i have been told that the compression is to spec and that all the bearings are tight and its in good shape. only issues seem to be cosmetic and a faulty electric starter (says kick start works fine which is good enough for me). curious if this is a good bike for what im looking for. more importantly is the price right, he said he would be willing to go to 1500 but i think a little cash in his face would make him go a little lower. im also curious as to how yamaha parts and accessories price in comparison to hondas?

i of course havnt gone to see the bike yet because if i get feed back from you guys that this bike is totally out of left field i wont waste my time lol.

any info would be greatly appreciated. thanks again

The xs standard is certainly my favourite out of your choices, but I have always favoured yamaha xs's.. A gs or a kz may prove to be a little lighter on your wallet?

That cb550 is an awesome bike too!

I agree with Mr. Knocker..In my recent searches I have had better luck in my negotiations with slightly smaller cc bikes (400). Not sure how it is in Toronto but they seem to be overlooked...shame, I think they're gems!

Either way best of luck and I am sure you will love what you end up rush bruh, take your time and find the right one! If you intend to build you could always look for more neglected 400's!
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