Northern petes bike adventure


New Member
Hey folks. Just a quick introduction to myself and my little project. :)

Found this site while looking up ideas for my shiney new to me 82 sr250. Picked it up for a steal of a deal and want to make it special for me. It'll be a winter project and then something to keep me busy in the summer. An around town bomber. I've been ridin for about 10 years now. Seem to have an affinity for old yamahas (first bike was an 82 xs 400 seca that ate spark plugs) then a 650 maxim that never quite worked out.

Had a new 2006 500 Vulcan that I didn't use enough to justify it. Been bike less for a few years and decided to grab up this deal.

I belong to (a great site as well, I recommend you check it out)

So that's my bike.

About me, I'm 36 and work in a gold mine in northern Ontario. Gets cold soon. I travel to the USA every other week to see my wife and kids.

So hi everyone! Look forward to using the good resources I've seen here so far.
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